Some of you may know this some of you may not - But i have been abstaining from online Poker (since my exit from the national) untill the National League starts in a couple of weeks
My reasons for the exile have already been given so i wont bore with the details - but i thought i"d let you know how i"m getting on!
Well after making the decision to give up online Poker on the Sat/Sunday i decided that i would find something else to fill my time and all i managed to realise that there is absolutly FA on TV on Sundays - unless of course you have SKy which is an entirly Different Matter - and that it takes a lot of effort to plan and Execute a Roast Dinner. Although i may have found a new Carear path I always fancied being a Chef! (If the WSOP ME win doesnt happen that is - You gotta have dreams)
This was not really important as i had gone a day or two without playing before so it didnt really bother me all that much.
Then we come to Monday - Now this was strange for me - Work as normall (obviously Poker doesnt pay my bills), nothing strange about that - but my normal routine is to get home from work about 5ish - fire up the PC and the Play a few SNG"s untill the missus get"s home a couple of hours later - Back to Sunday and the leftovers - I proceed to Make Soup (rather than Play)!!!
FFS Soup i hear your cry - I couldnt believe it either there i was - Chicken Carcass Simmering away with a cookbook on the Side - doing something that i never dreamt i"d be doing during Poker time! luckily for me this trend never continued for the rest of the week! (although me and GF do share the Cooking)
Tuesday - Much as Monday - Work etc - then Home and i am now filling my Poker time Playing PS3 which is a nice distraction (and a nice reminder that i can play poker as this was bought from a Poker winnings) but i can see that my Girlfriend has noticed that the PC hasnt been on for 2/3 days and not a poker site has been opened - She likes to moan about the noise that the virtual cards make when dealt! She plays - but she isnt worried if she dont. So she enquires as to why i havent been playing poker and i proceed to tell her about the exile - She Massages the ego telling me i am good player etc and if i wanna play then Do. I"m Adamanet that the Exile shall Continue!
Wednesday - there is Footie on, we have guests and i like to have a bet on the game when my team aint playing , but i am also now 4 days into my break and i am starting to get the urge to Play again!
Thursday - The Day i Cracked (but it aint all bad)!!!
I Decide today is the day that i shall return to the Online Poker World, but from the outset i have laid down
1 rule that that is still sort of keeping me in exile!!
I will play anything but Hold'em,
leaving me with Stud, Omaha, Draw anything really - So i have been cracking on with some PLO 6max SnG"s and some Cash 7 card stud - both at lower limits and i must say that not really having played much of either of them i am holding my own and making a Small profit along the way - So for me the next few weeks shall see me playing incresingly more varieties which will inturn hopefully improve my holdem game.
I must say that at the lower ($1-5 sng

/20c) levels the play of the Omaha and Stud are terrible and i will be doing my very best to take advantage off this untill the National league starts.
I"ll update over the weekend as to how i get on - Unfortunately the Home Game has been Cancelled due to lack of numbers - which is shame as this would be my only chance to play Holdem for a while and i was looking forward to it - but as the Girlfriend is Out on saturday - i will of course be firing up the PC and playing some badddddoooooogggggiiiii or 2-7 or maybe even some Backgammon!!!
Finally Just like to say good luck to all those that won seats to Walsall - its gonna be Quality!!! (well maybe some of the play might not be) Enjoy
