Just home from Brighton - final table in one of the GUKPT side events. Taken out by Spencer Lawrence*, though his call with K6o when we were both short-stacked and I pushed with K10s didn"t look so clever, especially when a 10 came on the flop. Unfortunately it was

which, combined with the other d on the flop, the two on the turn & river and the one in his hand, gave him a flush.
Mind you, I was only still in cos I had sucked out on him a few hands earlier when I pushed with KQs and he called with AK. An A on the flop looked good for him but a J & 10 looked better for me.
I never fully recovered from losing a lot of chips on a hand when there were two tables left, again against him. Me AK; him 77; flop K7K.
*3 WSOP 08 cashes, including 2 final tables & losing HU for a bracelet; 1 WSOPE 08 final table; tournament earnings 08 $217k