Author Topic: Dog Pooped  (Read 3826 times)

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Dog Pooped
« on: January 24, 2009, 12:28:02 PM »
Okay so I am just home from walking, but I am shaken a bit. I walk my dog instead of through the park as usual through Vassells; we walk to the local surgery to pick up my medicine. As it has been rainy, and my dog is a long haired breed, I am thinking this saves me the time of a quick bath walking around the city sidewalks. I live on the Downend side of Fishponds and we a have a small city park across from the surgery we hang about in it for a while but no poo action occurs. The problem is it is getting late, and now I need to get to the bank before noon. I have left my wallet at Heathrow Airport in the offices and need cash for a game today at 4pm. (anybody going can cash me a check?) I do not want to tell my husband of my foolishness, so checkbook in hand I think if I go to the bank I can be sorted without embarrassment. So I have picked up my ulcer tablets, tried the park a spell but need to get to bank.

So it is a pleasant day, sun is shining a bit more than usual, pork smell great for the party before I left the house today and I have a nice Brunch planned to cook my husband when I get home. We go from the park, around the market to my bank (which is closed on a Saturday). Crap, now I will have to borrow my husband bank card and I either tell him I am broke or I left my wallet in London. Neither I want to do. Why banks here aren't open on a Saturday morning? Oh well.

I head down Guinea Lane to cut behind the park towards home. My dog decides 1/2 way down the street to poop, he hikes his leg to wee which I know is impossible as he has wee-ed himself dry in the park (laughs) and instead with leg still hiked up starts to drop a bomb. I hate that he sometimes does his "Stealth" poo as my husband calls them but it too late. A few feet from a footpath he decides to drop a bomb on a sidewalk. He is all of 5 pounds, so a cat does more damage. I keep a bag dispenser on the handle of my retractable lead, and whilst he is pooping on the sidewalk I pull out a bag in preparation. It is not ideal place but nature called apparently it is was my fault for leaving my wallet and being in a rush....

Next thing I know, a man in his late 40"s, I would guess, with a belly that look as if he were nine months over due, he comes out of his house and starts cursing at me. I means really angry. I let him go on and think quiet is best approach, I understand his possible frustration. He stops and I say how very sorry - it was unexpected and I do have a bag here ready to clean it up, sir. In a pleasant voice hoping to reassure him and show respect.

Nope this doesn"t help. He starts again and he curses at me the whole time Ralph finishes, the whole time I am picking up the bomb and then comes out to the sidewalk to check my work and follows me 10 -20 yards towards the foot path I am walking towards. For a minute I panic, I am going down a closed off footpath, and is he going to follow me there. I swear my heart skips a beat and I felt genuinely afraid. All over poop on a side walk. I turn around and he stops, I finally say - You are not a very pleasant man are you? He is calls me a **** and walks off....

Now my nice morning has gone to ****, literally.
I miss home, I miss my son, I miss my yard, I miss my bank open on a Saturday and I come home bawling.
My husband says I should call the local authority and report his abuse.

Is it illegal for a dog to poop on a sidewalk, public footpath, etc? Even if you clean it up? I swear there was no trace visible that my dog had been there.

« Last Edit: January 24, 2009, 12:33:38 PM by Noe »
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Re: Dog Pooped
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2009, 12:35:39 PM »
It isn"t illegal for the fecking dog to poo FFS it"s a natural function. It is however illegal for you to not clean it up. My plan would have been.

1. Clean up the poo with the handy bag
2. Note the mans address (Shiite can"t talk to you like that)
3. Put the poo in a Jiffy bag
4. Post it to the ******

People like that get me a little angry


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Re: Dog Pooped
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2009, 12:40:27 PM »
Thanks!  I wasn"t sure of the law on the subjet here - googling it.    I was rasied in West Virginia - a USA Hillbilly.  Today I suddenly elt a bit "out of sorts" and a long way from home. 

Maybe that is more why it made me cry.

The next stage is anger.  I should go through park and scoop up all the poo other people don"t bother to and put it on his porch :)

I will try to block this out of my head and enjoy my day.  Gotta poker dinner party at 4pm in bristol, and now I think I will take Cider.
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Re: Dog Pooped
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2009, 12:42:46 PM »

and now I think I will take Cider.


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Re: Dog Pooped
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2009, 13:42:28 PM »

It isn"t illegal for the fecking dog to poo FFS it"s a natural function. It is however illegal for you to not clean it up. My plan would have been.

1. Clean up the poo with the handy bag
2. Note the mans address (Shiite can"t talk to you like that)
3. Put the poo in a Jiffy bag
4. Post it to the ******

People like that get me a little angry

Whatever you do.....don"t get Gerry VERY angry or the Duke and Son of Duke will be getting a posse together  :o

Well said mate, think some guys on here may have been tempted to deposit the bag on him there & then in the street. Not pretty but very effective  ;D
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Re: Dog Pooped
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2009, 15:43:20 PM »

It isn"t illegal for the fecking dog to poo FFS it"s a natural function. It is however illegal for you to not clean it up. My plan would have been.

1. Clean up the poo with the handy bag
2. Note the mans address (Shiite can"t talk to you like that)
3. Put the poo in a Jiffy bag
4. Post it to the ******

People like that get me a little angry

Also if yer feeling brave a firecracker, get somesort firecracker, light it in the bag, post it, ring the bell and run for yer life
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Re: Dog Pooped
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2009, 00:25:02 AM »
Well I must have been having a sensitive morning, feeling a bit homesick and intimidated.  Poker Dinner party tonight was the best medicine to forget about his angry little man.  Maybe he was having a bad morning.  
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Re: Dog Pooped
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2009, 00:49:28 AM »
Don"t worry Chicka.  I"m from Ohio and I totally know how you feel.  All great one minute and the next you feel like the outsider.  Don"t let it get to ya.  Reckon it"s foreign girly hormones feckin with our heads now and then. 


PS  The guy was wrong and he"s still a langer.


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Re: Dog Pooped
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2009, 00:58:59 AM »

 Reckon it"s foreign girly hormones feckin with our heads now and then. 

No, it"s because you are mental.. :-*


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Re: Dog Pooped
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2009, 01:00:16 AM »

 Reckon it"s foreign girly hormones feckin with our heads now and then. 

No, it"s because you are mental.. :-*


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Re: Dog Pooped
« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2009, 12:25:45 PM »

 Reckon it"s foreign girly hormones feckin with our heads now and then. 

No, it"s because you are mental.. :-*

LOL!  That too.   ;D


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Re: Dog Pooped
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2009, 13:05:13 PM »
Laxie, I lived in Cleveland Ohio the 9 years before I moved here. Can"t wait to meet you - are you at the APAT in Walsall?

Today when I walked my shih ztu through the park and spotted several unretrieved poo piles, I thought seriously about collecting them and dropping them on this guys frint lawn.  I always thought I was a nice person!

The problem is I am a woman, can"t let go easy?   rofl

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