Running a prize for Highest Individual Scorer would be a good idea but it hasn"t been mentioned thus far. I don"t know whether Leigh has any chipsets left ... ?

Can I just try to explain a couple of the thought processes behind the planning of this League.
1) The Clubs were named with area population and by the fact that they have a Casino nearby in case we decide to roll this out to Live Venues in S4.In North for example, we have 10 Clubs. Glasgow has a population of around 615,000, Dublin 500,000, Edinburgh has 450,000 and Belfast have 300,000. Stockton-On-Tees and Carlisle are the least populated of the 10 clubs with around 180,000. If we were to believe that Glasgow have an advantage over Edinburgh, I reckon we"d be wrong. Edinburgh have Mary leading from the front, recruiting a large number of players so the odds will stack up that within a larger squad there will be more quality players.
2) Captains were appointed in the hope that they would promote the League in and around their area, to their friends and family etc. ultimately to help their Club stand a chance of being able to compete against the "bigger" Clubs.
3) Quantity would have a large bearing on the Club Rankings so we have put the "no more than 4 players from one Club can score in any Leg" rule in place.
4) Each Club can only win a maximum of 3 points per Leg. We could easily be handing out 10 for the winning Club down to 0 for last position each Leg. We haven"t done this as it would benefit the Clubs with larger membership and we WOULD most likely have run-away leaders at some stage.
5) As it is in any MTT, each player is rewarded with a Cash prize at the end of each leg if they finish in the top spots. By playing our Events, they"re up against people they know, like-minded people with a passion for APAT and Amateur Poker, and testing their skills against people who play in GUKPT events etc.