Author Topic: We can't all be winning players......  (Read 13154 times)

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Re: We can't all be winning players......
« Reply #15 on: March 15, 2009, 00:12:10 AM »
Hmmm.... so out of the STT for another $22 loss and just had KK busted by AQ in the 1st BSq game..... still in but hurting a bit.....  Oh and started a .25/.50 cash game on Stars just to keep me from getting to distracted.....   ::)
How can you call that.... you should have bet more...... I was all-in...... well you should have had more to bet.


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Re: We can't all be winning players......
« Reply #16 on: March 15, 2009, 01:16:42 AM »
from my experience, its not a good idea multi table a mixture of games. I tend to make too many mistakes. So when multi tabling I stick to just one of STTs, cash or MTTs
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Re: We can't all be winning players......
« Reply #17 on: March 15, 2009, 01:36:42 AM »
Good advice...   I should have read it earlier....  :-[

Out of the $15 MTT for no cash.

Lost full buyin in cash game. Was in front from hand one and never behind again till hand 138 when i called a PF raise with 89s and we saw a flop of 88Q and to cut a sad story short I lost almost everything to the original PF raiser who had 8J  ::)
Lost the rest of the buy in 5 hands later with AJ push that ran into QQ.

Still in the other Bsq MTT but possibly not in the best state of mind just now and with 251 runners cash doesn"t pay until top 30. Still 106 in and I"m currently 33nd.

I hope things are better for the league game tomorrow  :-\

Side note: Now listening to Springsteen Devils & Dust
How can you call that.... you should have bet more...... I was all-in...... well you should have had more to bet.


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Re: We can't all be winning players......
« Reply #18 on: March 15, 2009, 03:45:49 AM »
Finally out of the $30 game in 20th position after running my QQ into KK....

I do wish Bsq would have hand for hand at bubble positions as the slow playing that goes on is a nightmare.

So it was a cash for $73.50

Total now = loss of $71.20  :(

How can you call that.... you should have bet more...... I was all-in...... well you should have had more to bet.


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Re: We can't all be winning players......
« Reply #19 on: March 15, 2009, 20:28:07 PM »
So tonights -

League game $10+1

And just to keep me from getting to distracted also a $5=.50 MTT on BSq and the Stars S2HG for anoght $10+1

Oh and while typeing this I manage to place 65th out of 65 in the league game.....  a new record  :-[

Edit: only just posted this and managed to go out of the other Bsq game in 1,398th place.... wow I"m good
« Last Edit: March 15, 2009, 20:30:25 PM by Zanshin »
How can you call that.... you should have bet more...... I was all-in...... well you should have had more to bet.


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Re: We can't all be winning players......
« Reply #20 on: March 15, 2009, 22:35:16 PM »
Out of the Stars 2HG around 6,500 position and played a .50/1.00 cash game on Bsq which cost another $100.... main hands that cost in that were QQ v"s KK and 99 v"s AQ...

Total = -$198.70   :-[

Taking a break till tommorows Sat to the WCOAP
How can you call that.... you should have bet more...... I was all-in...... well you should have had more to bet.


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Re: We can't all be winning players......
« Reply #21 on: March 15, 2009, 22:57:50 PM »
Ouch, UL Buddy


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Re: We can't all be winning players......
« Reply #22 on: March 16, 2009, 21:30:45 PM »
11+1 SNG on Full Tilt... 1st place for $49.50  :-\

APAT Sat. 20+2 out 84th... more like it... normal service has resumed.

Was lucky to pick up AA for a double up but went our after raiseing with KJ (a hand I always say I"ll never play again) one caller missed flops which was all rags...check / check.... J on turn ... he bets out I push... he had a set of 2"s on the flop.... nh.

No more for me tonight... can"t face it.

Total = -$183.20  (-33.20 tourney  /  -150.00 cash)
How can you call that.... you should have bet more...... I was all-in...... well you should have had more to bet.


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Re: We can't all be winning players......
« Reply #23 on: March 17, 2009, 20:44:15 PM »
APAT Sat. 10+1 out 95th.... Hmmmm..... an early position raise 4xBB to 120 then I re-raise to 435... folds round to original raiser who calls.

Flop 6 10 7.... they check and I push.... they had pocket 10"s .... nh

Total = -$194.20

Looks like this was a bad time to plan my 1st ever trip to Dusk till Dawn.... easy money there on Sat night if anyone is around....  :-\
How can you call that.... you should have bet more...... I was all-in...... well you should have had more to bet.


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Re: We can't all be winning players......
« Reply #24 on: March 19, 2009, 00:05:04 AM »
Hmmmmmmm...... so 4 10+.5 heads up SNG"s won 2 lost 2

APAT Sat. 5.00=.50   2 rebuys and 1 addon = $20.50

also = 4 hrs of wasted time... should have just decided on the clickfest at the start  ;)

Anyway that makes it Total of -$216.70 so far

Will try to keep accurate records at DtD this weekend but I"m guessing I"ll just get smashed.... enjoy myself and have a complete disregard for money and my liver....

How can you call that.... you should have bet more...... I was all-in...... well you should have had more to bet.


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Re: We can't all be winning players......
« Reply #25 on: March 19, 2009, 09:04:19 AM »
 ::)  We really wouldn"t expect anything less


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Re: We can't all be winning players......
« Reply #26 on: March 19, 2009, 17:42:13 PM »
What comes first? Disregard for money or your liver!!??

My pound would be on that money would come first, because by the time you disregard the Money you will probably will be slightly oiled - then comes the disregard of the liver - cos all the cash has gone and all you can do is drink to erase the memories of a horrific beat that you took!!!! LOL

Only Joking Enjoy and looking forward to the report ;D ;D
Lifes tough, its even tougher when your stupid

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Re: We can't all be winning players......
« Reply #27 on: March 22, 2009, 23:04:45 PM »
Firstly a short internet updated... played 8 $10 heads up SNG's only winning 2....

So total = -$260.70

Ok onto the 1st visit to D.T.D.... a great venue with everything running very professionally, defiantly looking forward to going back  :)

The £50+5 tourney on sat night had 116 runners (actually only around 70 when we sat down but they allow registration up to the end of the 2nd level).

I went out in 50th position while the friend I was with (his very 1st live game) went out in 38th.

He was playing well (as I expected him to) and then had a card dead run where he was just looking for a spot to push but others kept beating him into the pot.

Slightly different for me as I was allin more times than I can remember (the girl to my left did ask me to stop as it was becoming annoying) until I eventually got called when I pushed with AQ and ran into KK.

There was an incident early on in the tourney at my 1st table that got me slightly riled.  We had reached the river in a hand where I had 10 8 with a board of 6 2 10 10 Q and I bet 500 (the only other player in the hand had been flat calling my bets each street and by the river I was fairly certain he had a 10) at this point the guy (obviously a regular) tanks for a while, looks at me, his chips, the board etc and then puts out 800.... dealer says that will have to be 1000 and he starts a whole story about how he thought he was just calling my bet of 800.... this was total bull as I had put out a 500 chip and it was clear as day.

So he moans a bit and puts out the other 300.... now I wasn't laying down the trip 10's for another 500 (i'm not that good) but the whole act was just to make him look weak.  When I called there were certainly players at the table that also knew exactly what he had done and what I thought of it. He showed his A10 and raked it the chips.

I was still fuming a bit about that hand when we returned from the break and did not have any sympathy for him at all when he called an UTG push of AQ with his AK and lost most of his stack when a Q flopped. What made it better was he had spent the last half hour moaning at this particular dealer for never dealing him a playable hand.

Better still very next hand it folded round to me and I pushed with A6s (no excuses I was short stacked and desperate) this guy insta calls me and the blinds fold. I flip over my weak A and he takes great pleasure in showing his JJ.... 5 cards later and he's off to the rail as I river a straight.

Anyway after I exit the tourney I sit at a .50/1.00 cash game with £100 and quickly run it up to £300 only to lose the lot over the next hour.

I think I played OK but 2 large pot bad beats did most of the damage.

So anyway new totals are now -$260.70 and -£155.00

I seem to have answered the original question about whether or not I'm a winning player and I've answered it quicker than I hoped.... think this tread may just die a quite death to avoid me any more embarrassment  :-[  ::)
« Last Edit: March 24, 2009, 13:53:38 PM by Zanshin »
How can you call that.... you should have bet more...... I was all-in...... well you should have had more to bet.


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Re: We can't all be winning players......
« Reply #28 on: March 23, 2009, 23:13:59 PM »

What made it better was he had spent the last half hour moaning at this particular dealer for never dealing him a playable hand.

Cant stand this...I"d ban him if it was my poker club.

Dont give up Derek....we all know you can play. You"ll turn it round!
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Re: We can't all be winning players......
« Reply #29 on: March 24, 2009, 12:04:04 PM »
Most entertaining Derek, keep it going, I am sure things will turn round over the long term. I hope to see you at DTD in August if not before...

