Author Topic: ho - hum..... just shrug your head and move on  (Read 1399 times)

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ho - hum..... just shrug your head and move on
« on: March 22, 2009, 21:57:17 PM »
playingin a talk sport free roll - got to the break playing decent poker witha good 15k in chip (2k start) been a bit up and down and was one point on 12k then 6k then 4k then 10k in half an hour but wasn"t tilting or playing silly - quite the opposite - decent hand and hitting good flops with position with utter donkeys or would lose to runner runner especially the player to my right who was going all in with any ace

then after the break i"m dealt KK on the BB and the loose donk on my right SB shoves with 6k (150/300blinds) and i auto call he has A4 off and hits running clubs for flush with his 4

next hand he shoves again and this time im holding AA - cant happen twice surely - he has A8 and the case A hits weeeee - then he hits running hearts for a 8 high heart flush

i could"ve swore, could"ve threw the laptop out the window, could"ve punched the walls but i go away - make a cup of tea and sign up for the next tourney available on another site

when it comes to freerolls with 2000 players sometimes poker isn"t enough
(to be fair even if i had held all my chips and could"ve accrued 40k of them by the time i was eliminated if it wasnt for beats there was 4million in play - still had a bit of work to do  ;D)