Weird poker and no result - out about 3 hours in when I re-raised what look like a button steal with TT ... of course they had JJ ... thus my two nemisis hands both entry the fray together and kill me ...
Earlier my TT into a board of 672 was quickly folded ... when I bet 2000 in a c2400 pot ... I was not expecting a c30000 all in ... nor really for it to be called.
Player A - up and down straight flush draw
Player B - trip

- which held up.
I managed to fold top pair vs some sinisterly slow played Aces.
I lost two pairs to a 4th diamond on the river.
I lost a baby flush to a 4th club on the river too - of course I could have tried to close these pots off - but on a table with few interesting in folding very tough to do so.
I didn"t play great ... but one of those games that you really do need the cards because the poker isn"t that great at all ... considering the buy in - pretty standard/loose play.
Then I dived into a cash game £2/2 NL ... very rare for the pre-flop action to get round below £15/30 which would usually get 4/5 "limpers" ... so a sit and wait game for me and sadly in three hours very little ammo ... though a lot of entertainment from some of the most savage beats I have seen for £1k pots.
Example A - £150 in the middle
Flop is


: jc
First to act bets c£200 all in
2nd player - dwells and calls (slightly under the all in)
3rd player - quickly calls.
Player A - ad

Player B - jd

Player C - ks

The turn is a blank ... the river is a 5 ... brutal ...
Later- different players.
Player D raises to 15
Player E re-raises to 40
Player D re-raises to 80
Player E re-raises to 365
Player D calls.
Player D : ad ks
Player E : qh

Player E spikes another two

I should say Player E and I had very good banter ... and had running £5 side bets on the colour of first card flopped ... he won those too ...
Once the game changes to Omaha ... I happily left ...
Not sure what tomorrow holds!?!