I have qualified for main event for the above and just wanted any general advice people have - I"ve played live before but not at this kind of level and am interested on views on the general standard of play etc?
thanks in adance
If you have played an apat national i (and others) firmly believe that the GUKPT 0n the whole is of a similar standard. Of course you do get your exceptional pro"s but dont be intimidated against them. Most of them are very friendly at the table, just try and not give too much away when talking to them, the really good players can pick up tells from anything you say, or do in your everyday life! you also have to remember that there are some bad players in the tournament, the business type that are gamblers and have money to burn are the general ones!
in general the key thing is not to be intimidated, there is no need to, and mostly to enjoy it. You will regret it after if you play scared and bleed chips away, so play your normal game.
oh and if your not aware, i think on 2 or 3 occasions there have been qualifiers from the freerolls that made the final table, so anything can happen