Author Topic: Thoughts on a hand please  (Read 6097 times)

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Re: Thoughts on a hand please
« Reply #15 on: May 01, 2009, 16:51:12 PM »
Can you really call off your entire stack?

No you can"t IMO!


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Re: Thoughts on a hand please
« Reply #16 on: May 01, 2009, 16:52:46 PM »
Carpe Diem
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Re: Thoughts on a hand please
« Reply #17 on: May 01, 2009, 19:10:36 PM »
havent bothered to read other peoples reply, (some dont know what they are talking about

The turn was such a bad card for you, but i would of bet and folded to his hindsight the turn should of saved your stack, because at the end of the day you just had one pair and the openened draw just depends on weather you want to gamble (10 outs with 1 card to come is about 20% chance of hitting, and thats if he hasnt got a two pair flush draw combo)

....the other player actually played the hand bad, by slow playing such a wet flop.....and you say that you had reads on this guy, but players mix up there play all the time.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2009, 19:16:55 PM by WYoung83 »


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Re: Thoughts on a hand please
« Reply #18 on: May 02, 2009, 06:43:21 AM »
my thoughts - check timing on flop !!  imo a lot of players at this level especially pause when they connect well and call quick when they have a draw or some part of the flop etc alarms should be ringing after the delay and the turn all in confirms our suspicions..fold and be patient...

as said already i"d probably not reveal result till there a few replies,but i"ve answered how i would view it if i were in your seat....

the pause when bet into imo at this sort of level , is a short dwell if they have some experience stretching longer as here with a inexperienced sort when they hit something nice but are unsure how to proceed.. you"ll be surprised by how many do it....

harrierz bets $3.50
Skyw4lker has 15 seconds left to act
Skyw4lker calls $3.50
*** TURN ***
harrierz bets $8
Skyw4lker has 15 seconds left to act
Skyw4lker raises to $44.75, and is all in

oh bugger it while its on my mind - i haven"t pokerstoved it but roughly against all combos of sets and 2 pairs you"d need around 3.3 3.4 to 1 to call his all in to even be near +ev , in this spot your around 1.7 to 1 so that equates to 36 37% equity  ...
« Last Edit: May 02, 2009, 07:10:54 AM by noble1 »


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Re: Thoughts on a hand please
« Reply #19 on: May 02, 2009, 10:18:01 AM »
If you want serious non results orientated replies post the hand in stages imo.

Not really looked at it too much but if Kin is getting them in then I can"t see me folding.


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Re: Thoughts on a hand please
« Reply #20 on: May 20, 2009, 17:07:53 PM »
OP - His range when he flats the flop is obviously huge and that turn card connects with a large portion of it.  I like the fact that you have led this turn as it does allow you to find out where you are.  His answer says you are beat and I see no reason not to believe him.  There are much better spots than this to get your money in and if this is a bluff then good luck to him as he"s going to need it.


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Re: Thoughts on a hand please
« Reply #21 on: May 20, 2009, 17:21:23 PM »

Here"s the hand I said I was going to post - tell me what you do here.

AA on the button (you have 100BB).  You"ve been constantly raising (VP$IP 30, PFR 25), with impunity for the majority of the time. 

The player in the cut-off is fairly tight pre, but plays quite a few flops if he can get in cheap, c-bets a lot, but has only gone to showdown with a decent hand.  You"ve made him fold on a lot of flops with re-raises.  He has about 85BBs.

It"s folded to the cut-off, who raises to $2. 

You re-raise to $7.  The blinds fold, and the cut-off calls.

Flop is  8s  qc   9d

Cut-off moves all-in...

:o ??? :-[ :"(

This situation is completely different to the OP - here villain has donk-bet shoved into a pre-flop reraise which imo is much weaker than the line in OP.  Plus its against a player you have history with which increases the likelyhood this is a bluff/semi-bluff.  It"s possible you"re beat but given the history and the donk-lead-shove it seems much more likely to be something like a pair and a draw or even just a pair or just a draw.  Have to call here IMO


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Re: Thoughts on a hand please
« Reply #22 on: May 20, 2009, 20:01:46 PM »
1) When posting hands dont post result until later, it does skew nature of peoples responses
2) If you use PT, quote his and your stats

FWIW, on this hand, at the point he pushes I dont expect many bluffs. Granted his MO maybe that of a calling station, the raise does look to me like  a) someone who is shutting the pot down to curtail any draws - here he often has sets or 2pr b) hes hit his draw and is hoping an overpair, set or tptk pays him off. c) given his noted passive nature would he flat call AAKK preflop? The latter two are least likely simply due to the fact his holdings would only represent a very small portion of his prf callng range

I disagree with Dans commenst that you are not deep enough to fold. The price you are being given requires you to be right quite a large portion of the time. In this spot I just dont see that many hands that we are ahead of here or certainly not enough to justify stacking off