Author Topic: NEED HELP !!!  (Read 2695 times)

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« on: May 23, 2009, 22:58:25 PM »
Hello to all APATers , I recently leased a property in glasgow which holds up to 20 full size poker tables , I have put in an application for a card club through the council , would anyone be interested in maybe running the card room for live tournaments or helpin me out with a little info on going in the rite direction or even maybe the APAT being interested in holding tournaments there ??

the whole place holds 20 full size tables in main room , another 5 tables in second room , and another 4 tables in third room , with a seperate area for final table , thats a total of 30 tables ( 300 players ) .. If anyone here at the APAT could help me out maybe come and have a look at it , it would really be appreciative . The parking lot holds up to 100 cars . It was a snooker pool hall before . But will hopefully become The Double Deuce Card Room ..

You can contact me at with any suggestions you guys might have , thnx !!


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« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2009, 23:17:20 PM »
Hi George,

Good luck with the venture.  Getting a clear licensing position is key, so please let APAT know when Glasgow Council respond to your application.


APAT Customer Services.


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« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2009, 23:29:24 PM »
 I sure will , thank you very much for your support . :)


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« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2009, 00:11:34 AM »
Mate if you need any help at all dont hesitate to give me a shout coz if im in the house im 2 mins away. any tournaments if i dont play and you want it dealer dealt i am more than capable of it.

msg me if interested mate.

i need a new job :P


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« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2009, 08:56:56 AM »
Thats great Sir , I am still awaiting a meeting with Glasgow City Council on this to go fully functional card room . For the time being The tournaments with a higher than £10 buy -in must be ( Buffet-entry ) .. I dont mind giving the players some food to eat as long as they feel comfortable with the structures . Cash games will not be available yet until GCC have granted full-function . So at the moment I will be posting some tournaments with some structures that we used in AC ( Trump Taj Mahal ) , which gives players value and game play on their investment . STT"s our also available along with the MTT"s .

On May the 3rd , we had our first live tourney held at the club , it was a £50 Buffet entry with 107 players ..
Starting chip stack was 20,000 with 25-50 blinds 30 minute clock , we started at 12 Noon it was a great day with Marc Wilson winning it and collecting over £ 2,285 for 1st place. Top 10 were paid ( same structure they use in US ). Everyone was happy .

The main thing here in glasgow is , finding the rite structure so that players are comfortable playing and not feel as if they are in a BINGO free for all . By players going all in due to the chip stacks and the blind structures that some of these inexperienced casinos and card rooms do.