Hi Folks,
Good morning from a very warm Las Vegas, just after 10:30am and already over 100 deg F... Hot, Damn Hot!!!
It"s been a mixed bag so far, it started well with a little under $300 profit on the first night, playing $1/$2 NL cash at the Gold Coast.
This caused me to change my plans for day 2 and instead of playing the $200 PL at Binions, I decided to play the $330 NL deepstack at the Venetian. I"m not sure how many entries there were in this, the last time I remember looking at the info screen there were 438 but they were still taking alternates at that point in time. Well, I played for about 4 1/2 hours and was pretty happy with the way I played.
I then played in the cash game at GC again that night... This started well enough, upto $450 ($200 buy-in) at one point, before it all ended in tears when some guy calls my re-re-raise all-in, on an all rag flop, with AKo... and my QQ looses when a K hits the turn!

$200 down I decide enough is enough, although I"m sure I could of got it back if I"d persevered.
Day 3 and my first trip downtown, for the $100 NLHE at Binions... again, happy with the way I played I made it past over 3/4 of the 576 strong field, finishing somewhere between 110th and 120th. I spent the early evening checking out Freemont Street before heading
home for an early night ahead of
my main event the next day.
I"m not sure the early night (10:00pm) was a good idea, as day 4 started when I woke up at 5:00am and couldn"t get back off to sleep... And so on to the "main event", WSOP Event #38 $1500 NLHE. By the time they had stopped taking alternates there were
2778 runners... to cut a long story (13 1/2 hours) short -
I cashed in 212th place, for $3602

Not bad for a freeroll - thanks Virgin Poker. The most memorable hand of the day came around 8:30pm... I"m in the cut-off and it"s folded to Matey on my right, who raises...I re-raise with KcKs, everyone else folds and Matey calls and then "checks dark"... the flop was Q high with two hearts (not the Q)... Matey immediately calls "All-In", and is then reminded that he had already checked dark. Well, I have to say I didn"t really know what to make of this! Was it intentional or had he just got excited at having flopped a monster?? I had Matey covered, about 3:2... if I call and win I have a big stack, if I lose I am in deep crap. What does he have? If he"s not bluffing (which I don"t think he is), then the best I can hope for is AQ or KQ, where I am a big favourite... if he has KhQh, I"m a little ahead... AhQh, then while I"m ahead he is actually favourite to win... QQ, 55 or 22 and I"m in big trouble! So I figure the best thing to now is check and hope for a K on the turn... well no King and Matey pushes, as expected... after a long, long think, I fold the KK face-up - to the amazement of the whole table - and Matey is kind enough to show his pocket 5"s... Phew!!!!
I"ve still not quite decided what the plan for today is, I"m tempted to play the rush and have go in the $1060 deepsatck at the Venetian, but I didn"t get to bed til 4:00am an dI"m not sure I"ve the stamina for another long session with a lot of money at stake... so I may go and have some fun in the $150 PLO hi/lo at Binions at 4:00pm... or I may just have a day off and play tourist, trouble with this choice is it"s so damned hot outside... Decisions, decisions...