Sat was terrific value - just 37 runners.
Made the FT but just before getting there I called a button push when I had A-K in the SB and the button"s Q-Q held to knock me down to that and I was chippy.
So there I am in 8th with 26k, 9 left in, leader has 42k, when the Button pushes all-in in an unraised pot for 28k. Blinds are still low, can he be doing this with 10-10 or better ? I look down at 9-9 ??
One of the good things on Laddies is a 2-minute timebank and so I used a lot of it. I finally reasoned that he either has a small pair that he doesn"t want to see a flop with or a decent ace, which puts us in a race.
I decided to take the race for the chip lead and he flips........Q-6.......yes......Q-6 !!
The Q hits the flop of course and he wins the pot and goes on to win the $10k seat.....I was not happy.....that one hurt.
Earlier on I am playing in a Sat for the Killarney Festival Weekly Final. Now 5 get a seat, 6th gets $50 and there are 8 left on FT when this happens. I raise pre-flop with Q-Q and get 1 caller. This guy is 3rd in chips, I am 2nd.
Flop comes 8-high.....I push, he calls....with.......Q-9 draws, no pairs, no straights.....and with 5 seats available.....gotta be the worst call EVER !...Until he hits runner-runner clubs for a flush !!
I told him I thought his play was mindless, but I managed to come back from 2 BB"s to win a seat, as did he. Hope I get him on my table in the Final on Sunday night