villain is a bunch of teenage layabouts constantly kicking the ball at my fence and in to my garden.

much to my annoyance - compare it to a serial buttom raiser in your big blind and you get the picture.
today, being a very nice day, i decided to tidy said garden and mow the lawn. After several hours of toil, i had completed the task and took a breather to admire my handywork!

ball flys over fence and hits my £10 tesco gazebo plum centre.

whats your move:
[ ] Jovially pick the ball up and return it, offering the perpitrators pimms and some shade? - equivelent to a fold
[ ] Attack the ball with nearest garden utensil - i guess thats a call of the raise?
[ ] Pick up ball in exhausted rage and drop kick it so hard that it clears the road and over the roof of the house opposite - re raise all in - as i have had enough of your antics you button raiser come layabout you.

fold , call or raise?