Thanks everyone.
Yes I did play main event after qualifying through a £50 rebuy (£150 total cost so saved £900) and was going well til a shortish stack went all-in with kc

against my ks kh only to flush by the turn and take over a half of my stack and leave me shortish. No real time to recover when I was feeling good to cash again. Never mind, around £3500 overall profit on the week, well 9 days actually, is quite good

(2x5th and 1x12th)
Traded 20% in the £250 event with Steve "scouse3465" which guaranteed at least 1 quiet sober railer for the crucial last few tables of day2

Look forward to meeting some of you at the WCOAP games in Nottingham, then may rush down to Cardiff for leg7 of the GUKPT.