This is a very frustrating thread. Rest assured that there are reasons why this decision has had to be made, as Des has mentioned.
Hopefully, payments can be made in cash at DTD, but it is always good to have a backup plan.
It is also better to be upfront about it. You only have to ask those lucky enough to have collected their winnings from Vienna last year by cheque from the poker club. I think it took a little longer than 2 days to get access to the funds.

We are dealing here with APAT, DTD & Blue Square, which are three very respected poker organisations, who will be doing what is best for the poker players.
I for one would be very happy if money has to be paid into my Blue Square account as that would mean I have cashed. (So, in reality, this is not a problem I will need to worry about)

Anyway, come Thursday, if anyone has played well enough to cash, I"m sure it will not matter as much, unless you just enjoy debating anyway.