Firstly, Gosney.... what a complete pr!ck !!! Blackpool GUKPT £100 rebuy last year. After calling him down and doubling up I asked to see his cards and gave me abuse, saying I"d never play on a table with anyone as good as him ever again in my life!! WTF!!! (How wrong was he?!) Then took a further 3 lots of his rebuys before the table split up. Then at Newcastle GUKPT main event one of his sh!tstirring mates told him I"d written about it and he gave me more abuse so I told him that everyone who read my comments knows I think he"s a "t0sser" to which he offered me outside to which I replied "you really think Im scared of you, you fat c%$^?" He didn"t follow up on it! So first impressions can last as LG is the only person in poker that I wouldn"t mind losing from the game. One (one ffs) WSOP bracelet obviously went to his head. He was loud, arrogant, threatening and abusive and not in an amusing way.
I swore I wouldn"t be bullied by anyone ever again after leaving school but I rarely have to stand up to anyone, as adults are usually quite reasonable.
Secondly and more importantly your question Steve.
Should read "
Scouse and APAT live events and alcoholic drinks do they mix
As a friend (maybe ex-friend if he takes this badly) I can pretty much tolerate all of the loudness, drunkenness and any kind of "banter" from Steve, but not everyone is as fortunate to know his manner or is as thickskinned as me or could answer back to such a big confident character. In a way, I could have gained from being on his table at the end of day2 at DTD but instead tried to play down his boisterousness, not use it to my advantage. GUKPT: different kettle of fish!
I"m all for an ever-evovling Code of Conduct which could be written on this site and doesn"t need to be too specific (eg any player behaving inappropriately, and/or receiving a warning and/or penalty, at an APAT event is liable to further sanctions or may be banned at the discretion of APAT for a period of their determining)
I was on Steve"s right for the last couple of levels on day2 at DTD and yes he was very loud, was warned to quieten down (which he did try to do, but alcohol levels made this a very difficult undertaking) but he did receive a penalty which kept him from playing the last round of hands, served his penalty and came back the next day and agreed to stay off the booze.
It was a long day of poker and the last 3 levels were a little(!?) too loud and
constant (I got the feeling this was the real problem) but from what I heard not abusive. I know Steve can"t make a pint last as long as me (no-one can), but maybe fewer would solve the problem on such a long day of poker (but this is the responsibility of the individual). Maybe a couple of less toxic drinks between the beers?
Personally I"m all for alcohol-free events but are the other players and an even bigger question, are the venues?
As for the ban, I do not question APAT's reasoning or integrity, furthermore most players don"t give anyone the slightest chance to affect their eligibilty, some cut it much closer, you take your choice!
So my opinion is I can
cope with it no problem but were it someone I didn"t know I may not be so tolerant (did any players or dealers actually complain to the TD?)
As said in previous posts we all have a duty to represent APAT in a proper manner, it seems alcohol is the usual common factor when it goes wrong (albeit in a very small % of cases)
Honest opinion, like it or lump it