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Quote from: Chipaccrual on November 17, 2009, 11:28:06 AMThe last day for posting or pm"ing your interest in the APAT team for the event in Manchester, January 2010 will be Wednesday 17th November 2009.After that date, you will not be able to be considered for selection or entered into any draw for random seats in the team for this year.Remember, if you are interested, the event takes place on the 23rd and 24th of January 2010 at the G Casino, Manchester. There is an entry of £50 per player.THIS IS A TWO DAY EVENT, AND SUPPORTING YOUR TEAM MATES WILL BE COMPULSORY Think you"ll find Wednesday is the 18th Nov.......
The last day for posting or pm"ing your interest in the APAT team for the event in Manchester, January 2010 will be Wednesday 17th November 2009.After that date, you will not be able to be considered for selection or entered into any draw for random seats in the team for this year.Remember, if you are interested, the event takes place on the 23rd and 24th of January 2010 at the G Casino, Manchester. There is an entry of £50 per player.THIS IS A TWO DAY EVENT, AND SUPPORTING YOUR TEAM MATES WILL BE COMPULSORY
Where are the apat team banners for our website/blogs?I saw them on here but can"t find them now [sigh]Can anyone point us in the right direction?Cheers
I only wish the applications had ended AFTER Luton, i would have certainly put my name down then lol, oh well next time eh Good luck to all involved!
Hi Chip,Please add me to the list of perspective team members pleaseThanksFoggy
Is there any news on when BlueSq might open their book for this event? (I suspect the answer will be "soon (ps - I"m a bit of a comedian, isn"t it!) ", but I thought I"d ask anyhow).