Author Topic: Professionals in Satellites  (Read 12347 times)

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Professionals in Satellites
« on: November 10, 2009, 16:35:40 PM »
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Re: Professionals in Satellites
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2009, 16:45:23 PM »
thing is, if a pro is entitled to play in the main event, then he is perfectly entitled to try and qualify through a satellite.  This is just good use of their "edge" - gaining cheaper entry is +EV, an that"s what poker is all about.


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Re: Professionals in Satellites
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2009, 16:53:34 PM »
its what steve holden does for all the uk events. he could buy straight in but the bottom line is he is so good at sats. Pro or no pro if you dont have to pay the full buy in and get in for cheaper then why shouldnt they..


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Re: Professionals in Satellites
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2009, 16:57:14 PM »

thing is, if a pro is entitled to play in the main event, then he is perfectly entitled to try and qualify through a satellite.  This is just good use of their "edge" - gaining cheaper entry is +EV, an that"s what poker is all about.

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Re: Professionals in Satellites
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2009, 17:04:46 PM »

he is so good at sats

Not the avillan I know. Have you ever played satellites against him? I have many many times and I love to see him on my table. It"s a race to see if I can get his chips before someone else does cos he always busts out early. I"m sure it would be cheaper for him to just buy in direct.

5th place - Portsmouth Snooker Club £10 rebuy

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Re: Professionals in Satellites
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2009, 17:22:45 PM »

thing is, if a pro is entitled to play in the main event, then he is perfectly entitled to try and qualify through a satellite.  This is just good use of their "edge" - gaining cheaper entry is +EV, an that"s what poker is all about.

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Re: Professionals in Satellites
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2009, 17:27:45 PM »
Looking forward to making my first day 2


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Re: Professionals in Satellites
« Reply #7 on: November 10, 2009, 17:32:59 PM »
I dont rly see the problem with this, poker is all about being shrewd and the shrewdest players are the professionals so why cant they be greedy and make a little money by not having to pay a full buyin?

Didn"t he got robbed as well? AND he didn"t satellite this seat... his life must soo crap at the moment!
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Re: Professionals in Satellites
« Reply #8 on: November 10, 2009, 22:15:16 PM »
This is standard. Pretty much all the pros satellite in to the big tournaments. I used to do live updates for a major tour and we were given the list of online qualifiers to follow, and you"d see some very big UK poker names on there, people that have made WSOP Final Tables, for example.

Tournament Pros who don"t have sponsorship deals have to do it this way, otherwise it wouldn"t be profitable for them unless they FT"d every event they played.

However, nothing compares to satellites for the WSOP and major events on Stars and Tilt, where repeat winners can take the cash, as there are specific satellite pros who win ridiculous amounts of money - one player won 100 seats on Stars for the WSOP one year...and he was aged 19, so had to take the cash for ALL of them.


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Re: Professionals in Satellites
« Reply #9 on: November 10, 2009, 22:42:59 PM »
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Re: Professionals in Satellites
« Reply #10 on: November 10, 2009, 23:35:05 PM »
 In "Poker tournmament formula 2" by Arnold synder, there is actually a chapter devoted to playing live sats into the WSOP main event. He tells you what to play and how to track results to make them profitable. I belive there are satellite specialists in vegas who make really big money by cashing in their seats that they will win, because they know how to exploite the games and take advantadge of the Ammutures with a dream.

Evan Harrington, in one of his books, says it is not uncommon for some big pros who cant  get sponsored, to try and get in on the cheap.
And Scotty Nyguen actually sated into his main event, and took down the whole thing back in 1998. He was a pro player at the time, who was close to going broke, so matasow Staked him into the satellite for 50% buyin, and gained  300k out of his Million dollar win.


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Re: Professionals in Satellites
« Reply #11 on: November 11, 2009, 01:49:28 AM »
Doesn"t anyone agree with me? Someone?

As I seem to be in a minority of myself, could someone explain what I am missing here? I can see the point about lesser so-called professionals, but someone like Channing is loaded. As I see it, you are the guys whose seat he is trying to take, but you are all defending him, even to your own detriment. Several people say they disagree with my post, without explaining why. I don"t understand. What am I missing?
« Last Edit: November 11, 2009, 01:51:40 AM by MintTrav »
5th place - Portsmouth Snooker Club £10 rebuy

Liz Lieu borrowed my pen - 01/06/2013


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Re: Professionals in Satellites
« Reply #12 on: November 11, 2009, 04:32:53 AM »
Wld like to agree with you Trav but finding it hard to think of a way to! It would inexcusable if he helped someone else qualify or if he didn"t pay a full buyin

But he paid his % of the prize pool and entitled to have a crack at it rly.

Basically the whole principle of poker is to exploit the weak. If your stronger why should you not exploit the weak? Even if he could easily afford it, kudos to him for trying rly, shows the mentality ppl need to get to the top.

Subject kind of has similarities to At the time I just found it funny that on pocket fives all the ppl that were slating this guy for supposedly taking extra 10K were the same ppl who play 50NL & 100NL and would snap steal a buyin 10 times from a fish which some could say is also unethical ?
« Last Edit: November 11, 2009, 04:34:59 AM by TopPair2Pair »
Toppietwo - "Just like it says on the tin"


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Re: Professionals in Satellites
« Reply #13 on: November 11, 2009, 09:16:27 AM »
I agree it"s irritating, but so is losing a 60/40 and that happens all the time too.


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Re: Professionals in Satellites
« Reply #14 on: November 11, 2009, 09:24:45 AM »

he is so good at sats

Not the avillan I know. Have you ever played satellites against him? I have many many times and I love to see him on my table. It"s a race to see if I can get his chips before someone else does cos he always busts out early. I"m sure it would be cheaper for him to just buy in direct.

Avillan was playing the Inside Poker Freeroll to the Blackpool GUKPT ME on BSQ last night...... he busted out in the first 6 hands!
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