Author Topic: Tournament Life...?  (Read 8355 times)

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Re: Tournament Life...?
« Reply #15 on: November 12, 2009, 02:02:19 AM »

Right, this is a spot that came up early in the recent APAT at Bolton (which was a thoroughly good day as ever).  Blinds are 150/300 (level 5 I think) and I have a stack of 11500.  Image should be pretty solid although have started to open up a little from late position, taking down a few pots pre.  Certainly nothing too out of line.

UTG limps - he has limp folded several times from EP. Not yet seen him limp/raise - stack of about 10k
UTG + 2 limps - newcomer to the table (about 6 hands in), limp-called the button about 4 hands earlier only for the dealer to muck his cards.  He was understandably annoyed but also seemed convinced that the TD"s decision of his hand was dead (which I believe is correct) was wrong.  Possibly still steaming about this. - stack of about 20k
SB (Me) AKo - I make it 1450 total (1150 more), past experience says that this is enough to take UTG off his hand and I have no info on UTG + 2.  I could make it more but don"t like the fact that I"m OOP and think it"s unlikely he is folding to 1800 if he will call 1450.  Also I want to be sure I have 2 full barrels should I need them.

UTG Folds
UTG + 2 thinks for less than 10 seconds before announcing he is all in.
SB (Me) starts to cry

So to summarise, pot is 13600 and it"s 10500 for me to call (my stack).  I"m looking for comments on -
My line up to this point
Your assessment of villains range
Call or fold and how (if it is) it is affected by the stage we are at in the tournament and the fact that torunament life is at stake.

I will post my own thoughts at the time and the decision I reached later.


pretty much every1 was for calling which i agree with btw,but it is the why that is missing.It is your stack size imo and having a premium hand versus a dude whose range for me would be 22-99 AQ AJ ATs suited BWs and i wouldnt discount T9s 89s type hands either as being the main bulk of his probable range.
With villains likely range and your stack being below 40bb [actually around 30bb left] after 5x ing 2 limpers with a gr8 hand then even before u raised u should of had a plan as what to do if re-raised by the limpers or called etc etc..Stack size 40bb and below once after 3betting or raising like in this situation with a strong hand i think it is a big mistake mostly to refuse coin flips,every mtt we play we have to flip eventually [but we still have the power when to choose to flip] if the aim is to put ourselves in positions to win mtts,then AK is gr8 here..

so what can we learn from tonys post -
1. have a plan before we act..
2. most players know what to do with 10to20bb stacks and how to play them but when 20to40bb things get a tad foggy imo