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Re: Views please.......
« Reply #15 on: December 04, 2009, 14:50:22 PM »

Got all that then? According to our panel you should have shoved, folded or limped preflop & on the flop either shove, check-fold or check-jam. Glad we have cleared that up for you. Anyone else want our expert advice?

What is your preferred play John?


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Re: Views please.......
« Reply #16 on: December 04, 2009, 14:51:55 PM »

Got all that then? According to our panel you should have shoved, folded or limped preflop & on the flop either shove, check-fold or check-jam. Glad we have cleared that up for you. Anyone else want our expert advice?


Mixed opinions then.......which is good in a way.  Seems a few plays could of been made here, obviously in hindsight I picked the wrong one :(

Just because u ran into A10 this time does not nec make it the wrong play.  Cnt b too results orientated in this spot.
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Re: Views please.......
« Reply #17 on: December 04, 2009, 15:37:02 PM »
obv depends on players, their stack sizes and their limping ranges but i don"t like shoving 10bb with weak hands after 4 limpers. Just think there are loads of better spots as you should be getting called a high % of the time by a better hand.

but then again if there are so many limpers at this blind level then i would imagine that it isn"t as terrible a move as i initially said as it appears some of them are a bit clueless anyway
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Re: Views please.......
« Reply #18 on: December 04, 2009, 16:52:11 PM »

Got all that then? According to our panel you should have shoved, folded or limped preflop & on the flop either shove, check-fold or check-jam. Glad we have cleared that up for you. Anyone else want our expert advice?

What is your preferred play John?

It"s difficult - I guess its a fast structure if you"re short without being that far below average. Shoving pre is probably the simplest. Add the limps to your stack to get back on track, get called & get busted or suck out for a big increase.

Going 6-handed to the flop, you"re gonna have to hit it quite hard & one pair probably won"t be enough. Initially, I thought I hate it but probably I"ll shove it in & hold my breath - if we are called we are beaten but we should force draws & weak pairs out so they don"t overtake us (depending on stacksizes). Actually we could have done this with any cards, so our top pair is now irrelevant as our hand has become a bluff. As I said, if we are called, we are losing, though we could hit another 8 or T and a 4, 6, 9 or J on the turn also gives us a straight draw (clutching at draws now).

On the other hand, our hand is weak and any limper could have 2P. Some of the limpers will probably have caught draws at a minimum and I am wary that the 5,7 combination has done favours for someone. I can see the merits of check-folding an EP lead and check-jamming a button lead, though what if his bet is more than half our stack? What if I check & so does everyone else? Am I winning? Shove on the turn? Maybe I was winning on the flop but now I"ve been overtaken on the turn? I"m now regretting getting into this situation and just want to get out of this hand alive. But, hold on, maybe I can still pick up all the chips in the middle. But now I"m even more likely to get busted. Horrible situation.

Against fewer players, I might play the flop aggressively but against 5, I think I"m assuming that I need to improve, so I"m probably check-folding with this stack. With a proper stack I"m calling (or leading) but here we can"t afford to call and then fold on the turn. If I get to the turn for free and then improve, I"ll go for it.

- Limping into this scenario is more dangerous than shoving pre. Shove or fold pre. Shove.
- Shove flop against fewer but check-fold against 5.
- Don"t play fast tournaments where the structure inhibits your game.
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Re: Views please.......
« Reply #19 on: December 04, 2009, 17:34:14 PM »
 The faster the tourny the more agressive you need to be. In this case dont even look at you cards pre flop. Just ship it.
The only player you need to get through is the open limper. Given the situation this is what i would do.

This move works if the first limper has isnt trapping, and if the BB doesnt wake up with AA through to 88 or a very good ace.

If anyone behind the first limper calls you now, then why didnt they raise the open limper in the first place????

And if you go broke safe in the knowledge that you made a stand to try and get chips, just move onto next tourney.


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Re: Views please.......
« Reply #20 on: December 04, 2009, 17:40:49 PM »
Limping OOP even with the odds, with junk, is only likely to get you in deep do do. But having done so, I would be shoving.
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Re: Views please.......
« Reply #21 on: December 04, 2009, 19:36:52 PM »
3300 in pot 3 limpers and big blind behind , you dont give buy in or reads on limpers so i"ll assume they are spewy [worst case scenario] It has been mentioned that if you shove it will represent a 50% pick up for your stack, even if u think that you"ll get called nearly 100% by a loose range for 1 or more of the limpers - 22+,A2s+,K2s+,Q6s+,J8s+,T8s+,97s+,87s,A2o+,K8o+,QTo+,JTo,T9o      
its not ATC but u can shove the top 61% of your range profitably and T8o is in there , basically in this spot u can shove -

alternative fold wait for btt and start pushing if folded to, your range on the button if both blinds are average callers [calling range - 55+,A2s+,KJs+,QJs,A8o+,KQo] then u could/can shove ATC for it to be correct +cEV , assuming villains call range is 15% [avg] then from the cut off 1st in your shove range drops dramatically to your top 22% - 22+,A3s+,K9s+,Q9s+,J9s+,T8s+,98s,87s,A8o+,KJo+,QJo,JTo  and so on with more to act behind even with an M of 6 or less your shove range is not as wide as you think it would be to be +cEV,good american/euro mtt"ers especially know there ranges very well nowadays [dont fall behind,learn and adjust]
study up on your shove/call ranges from what position [how many players on your left to act] your stack/blinds/antes and try to build up a short stack push strategy according to how tight or loose the players behind are..Study any decent sng players thoughts on push/call ranges for when yourself or villains stacks are 20bb or less as imo the americans are miles ahead of european players in general in this area for sngs/mtts , europeans tend to call to light ;D
that last comment is from US based players not mine :)


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Re: Views please.......
« Reply #22 on: December 04, 2009, 19:39:32 PM »
Firstly, I don"t like the limp/make up from the SB. You are setting yourself up to play with raggy cards out of position in a multi-way pot.... catch anything on the flop and you"re stuck..... and it seems that this is exactly what happened.

With 10xBB, and nobody showing any aggression preflop, I would prefer to shove here..... and if you don"t feel the right vibes for the shove, then fold. Don"t be fooled by the fact that you"re getting 11/1 to make up the blind.

As played (and without any other info on players) check/fold - you"ve no way of knowing if your top pair without a kicker is good. If someone bets and you have sufficient reads to put them on a steal with AK type hand, then shove to try and get to a HeadsUp showdown - you don"t want to end up in a multiway showdown here with such a marginal holding.

Shove or fold preflop though.

follow good advice imho


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Re: Views please.......
« Reply #23 on: December 05, 2009, 11:28:01 AM »

Got all that then? According to our panel you should have shoved, folded or limped preflop & on the flop either shove, check-fold or check-jam. Glad we have cleared that up for you. Anyone else want our expert advice?

lol - true - imo shove or fold pre

as played shove flop
just for once  i have to AGREE  with this .  but you should have waited for 6 3 of.


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Re: Views please.......
« Reply #24 on: December 07, 2009, 18:02:26 PM »
Shoving is fine.

Completing is fine as long as you don"t stack off with just top pair. Deffo never shove flop

I think I prefer folding pre.
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