Author Topic: The Games People Play  (Read 3679 times)

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Baldus New

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The Games People Play
« on: December 01, 2009, 16:20:35 PM »
Living in the wilds of the North Norfolk Coast, now that the harvest is over and the tractor"s put away for the winter, we now have very little to distract us away from the almost nightly ritual of Poker but with the current economic climate, numbers are dwindling, as I am sure that they are everywhere.

We do not want to lose our traditional local games but when times are tight, people cut back and the numbers over the night that we play have steadily dropped.

Our local nights are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday with every other Friday night thrown in and when I started a couple of years ago now, the Tuesday night was very popular with upwards of 35 people playing on a regular basis.

Now unfortunately the Tuesday night fiver rebuy for an hour has twindled to around 16 but this is still up on what it was a few months ago.

The Wednesday night was previously £4 rebuys for 400 chips and often saw 16-20 players, now it is a 5/10 (pence) cash game and usually has between 6-8 players and the Thursday night game of £10 rebuys for 2,000 chips is now also reduced to a cash game of 12.5/25 pence (don"t ask!!! ::)) and again attracts very few players.

We also organise a Sunday Game every few months and held one the Sunday just gone, which attracted 23 players for a £25, 50,000 Chip Deepstack but this is well down on the first one we held, which attracted 36 players paying £50 for 20,000 chips.

Our player base is made up of mostly recreational bingo, sorry card players, with a few of us who have played APAT and a couple who have played GUKPT.

My concern is that if things keep going as they are, the local games will be lost and once that happens, may not come back.

My question to you fellow APAT"ers everywhere is what do you guys and girls play locally and what have you done to try and keep numbers up, when people have less cash to play with?

Any input would be greatly appreciated?


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Re: The Games People Play
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2009, 16:25:10 PM »
If it was me organising the games I would make better structured freezeouts or one rebuy/add-on games. Like a £10 freezeout for a decent amount of play. Even if you got back upto 35 players for a game you could get a decent structured game in without it going on too late. Maybe pay out a couple of extra places and cut a little off the top so more players are getting the feeling of cashing and will return and bring friends with them. And if you got upto 35 players again you could always offer a 5/10 (pence) game on one table for the first few people out who would"ve normally took a rebuy.
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Baldus New

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Re: The Games People Play
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2009, 12:02:57 PM »
We seem to be split out our way between those that play for pure fun, with the odd cash being a bonus and those that like to take it a little more seriously and want a good return for their stake, before they will sit down.

The deepstack that we did recently went down well with 22 paid entries sitting down and the final table of 9 all receiving something.

Cash was paid to 1-6, with a first prize of £200 and 7-9 receiving a tin of roses and a 15 pack of beer to spread the feeling of achievement for reaching the final table.

We started at 2pm and the first exit was not until 8pm, so people did get value for their money, although with the blinds starting at 25/50, they would have to have been extremely bad or unlucky to go out too early.

We do have a monthly £15 freezeout, which does attract 20+ players and we are considering doing a 10,000 chip £10 turbo, with blinds up every 10 minutes to see if that attracts a few more, with low stakes but higher potential returns, if we can get the numbers in.


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Re: The Games People Play
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2009, 12:23:43 PM »
At Black Country Poker Club we have no issues with declining numbers - in fact we"re aiming for world domination (we already have APAT domination!).

We play once a month, but not solely for cash. Each round is worth points based on finishing places, which over a period of 6 rounds, contribute to a league, with the top few places in the league being awarded seats into major events (DTD, GUKPT sides, UKIPT, etc) - whoever gets to play those events represents BCPC with half of any winnings being shared amongst the membership.   Each round is played as a £10 SNG, with a further £15 going to the league fund. 

With 20 members contributing £15 per month for 6 months, we collect £1800 which pays for a fair few members to enter some decent circuit events.


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Re: The Games People Play
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2009, 13:16:36 PM »

At Black Country Poker Club we have no issues with declining numbers - in fact we"re aiming for world domination (we already have APAT domination!).

We play once a month, but not solely for cash. Each round is worth points based on finishing places, which over a period of 6 rounds, contribute to a league, with the top few places in the league being awarded seats into major events (DTD, GUKPT sides, UKIPT, etc) - whoever gets to play those events represents BCPC with half of any winnings being shared amongst the membership.   Each round is played as a £10 SNG, with a further £15 going to the league fund. 

With 20 members contributing £15 per month for 6 months, we collect £1800 which pays for a fair few members to enter some decent circuit events.

Once a month? Twenty members? FFS for the amount of noise you make about it, I thought BCPC was a proper club, you know, one that has members and plays frequently. Didn"t realise there were hardly any of you and you never see each other. Des - withdraw their invitation to the team event.
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Re: The Games People Play
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2009, 11:47:39 AM »
We play a £30 freeze out with £2 juice which goes into a main prize fund. The tournaments have a 15k stack and 30 minute blind structure and plays very well. We play a league structure and at the end of the year the top ten get to play off for the prize pool. Throughout the season we average around 17 players but some months we touch 30 players.

We always have a side table setup for £0.10/£0.20 cash or STT to keep people in afterwards to keep up the atmosphere. After all, it"s only once a month and we like to have a good laugh as well as a good poker tournament.

I used to run a national poker league and one of the biggest problems we found the pubs had was keeping numbers up. The most succesful pubs were the ones that looked after the players by putting on a little bit of food (chips, sauasges, bread etc) and put on a waitress service so that the players wern"t constantly having to go to the bar (this is also in the pubs interest). I don"t know if yours is a home game, but in my opinion, even in a home game, looking after the players and making the game fun rather than just a boring old poker game certainly helps with the numbers!  

HTH!  ;)
