Author Topic: Warning if you Visit Villa Park  (Read 2689 times)

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Warning if you Visit Villa Park
« on: December 29, 2009, 17:32:19 PM »
Seriuosly, anyone who visits Villa Park, be aware of Parking as below, I went on the train. Also one of our young Tottenham fans was arrested for looking drunk. We"d only had three pints. We went to pick him up after the match and found similar folk awaiting, 17 arrests and all said same, ie done nothing wrong. So i think that the police are just trying to justify there costs to Aston Villa. I"m not sure if this happens around the country, but i have not come across it before.

                         Furtermore with regards to Parking well there was nearly a riot at the cop shop, in fact they recalled a lot of the police back to the station for fear of a riot. Again a similar No of vehicles, circa 17 had been removed from the place mentioned below/ forgotten name of the road, Queens something i think?? One guy with his 9 year old son had driven him up from the south coast for a birthday present, he had no money left, the car was probably only worth £250 and all the copper kept saying was, there are plenty of hotels, he didn"t give a **** about a 9 yr old lad on the city streets at night? well below is the car scam, be aware.

Do not park your car just up the road from the ground, in the park of the small officey type Ind Estate. They cover the warning signs, direct you in wearing yellow coats, and charge a fiver. This seems very reasonable.
When you return, your car has been towed away, They charge you for both being clamped and the cost of being towed away. By the time you find out where the pound is, it has closed. Even if you get there the fine is more than the £300 you can get out from the hole in the wall. This could incur hotel costs for the night, and it"s an extra £14 a night for every night your car remains impounded. The police will not do anything and say it is a civil matter, not criminal. I thought extracting money under false pretences was definately a criminal act. I can not believe this does not happen on a weekly/fortnightly basis, the clampers probably pay people to sell the lots for £5 a go. You have been warned goto Villa on the train.

Cheers Paul
Team Cymru Captain Apat World Team champions 2010 + 2011


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Re: Warning if you Visit Villa Park
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2009, 18:23:53 PM »
Makes a change from from foot and mouth.... ;D
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Re: Warning if you Visit Villa Park
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2009, 19:29:16 PM » time you visit Villa Park or the Custard Bowl (Moli....moule.......where the Dingles play !).....get in touch and I will help you out mate.
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Re: Warning if you Visit Villa Park
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2009, 16:36:11 PM »
Cheers Brian,, Baah! to you Ant ;D
Team Cymru Captain Apat World Team champions 2010 + 2011