Author Topic: [X] Degenerate + Bankroll Management = ...  (Read 33741 times)

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Re: [X] Degenerate + Bankroll Management = ...
« Reply #15 on: January 23, 2010, 01:11:05 AM »
if you play 5 at a time, you only need to win one to break even, so always play for the win, it makes so much difference.

Another tip, when you get a big hand early, overplay the hell out of it.... the idiots just can"t fold top pair etc.

This has inspired me to do a similar thing so i might just see you at the tables!


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Re: [X] Degenerate + Bankroll Management = ...
« Reply #16 on: January 24, 2010, 23:53:05 PM »
The Downslide.

So I decided to play some poker late last night and this is how it went:

BR = $324.46

$5.50 NLHE Turbo Satellite to the Sunday Warm Up - out 15th/45
$5.50 NLHE 360 Cap - out in 52nd QQ vs. KK
4x $4.40 180-man SNGs - I failed to cash in a single one, my exits inc - QQ vs. A4 all-in pre-flop (flop 2, 3, 5), set over set and a hero call that was good until he connected on the river. FML.
$4.40 NLHE 8-max - 1,000 Cap - Out in 732nd. Big pot pre-flop and after my c-bet is re-raised I 3-bet all in on a two heart board with AK hearts. The guy hero calls with three over cards on the board to his pocket 2's and I can't hit an Ace, King or Heart.
$3.30 NLHE 1r1a (+ $3 rebuy & $3 add-on) - 1,300 runners & 144 paid. Out in 158th. I'm in the cutoff with AT suited and 10bbs. There's one limper & the BB has just over 10bbs too, I decide to push to try take the pot right there because the limper is a serial weak limper and the BB is folding almost anything with his stack to try creep into the money but he's got 66 and calls, limper folds and I brick. Maybe this is a case where I should have just tried to hold out for the money considering it was my last tournament of the night and would"ve got back $15 of my losses *Shrugs*.

Anyway, that about sums up my tournaments for tonight. I couldn't hit anything when I was flipping and when I was ahead I couldn't stay ahead. I could blame it on playing after drinking but I genuinely feel like I played ok and just couldn't connect.

I also played 2x 5PLO tables for about 45 mins - ended the session up $4.03 but that was clawed back from $6 down so I'm happy, although I was up by a few more dollars than I finished at one point. It"s only place I posted any profit for the night so I can"t grumble :D

BR @ end of session = $286.19

My losses for today would normally only cover an average of one and a half tournaments at my 2009 stakes and would've be considered a good day in the past but this loss genuinely hurt as much as a -$200 day would've before. I guess the bankroll management is making me start to value the money a lot more and look at it as buy ins instead of a figure, which I think is about only positive thing I can take from last nights session.
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Re: [X] Degenerate + Bankroll Management = ...
« Reply #17 on: January 25, 2010, 01:45:12 AM »
Tonight never went much better, although I wasn"t really paying attention as I was doing work related stuff online while these were mostly just running in the background. Ah I"m sure it"ll pick back up soon :D Countdown to busto?

BR = $286.19

$1.10 NLHE - out 1583rd from 6240 runners. Standard stuff.
$1.10 NLHE - out 1224th from 4791 runners. And again, pretty standard.
$5.50 6-max NLHE - 900th from 2045 runners. I have 60bbs and madman is going in every hand. He's down to 10bbs and there's a limper before his inevitable push. I have 66 in BB. I'm willing to flip with the guy as his range is any two cards. So I re-pop it to 25bbs to isolate and get the limper away. Limper then pushes over top of my raise for an extra 12bbs. I'm expecting to be dominated with limped Aces or Kings but call anyway. Madman shows f**k all in a box and limper turns over KJ offsuit and goes on to hit a K on the river. Two hands later I get pocket Aces and raise x3, two callers. K45 board. One of the callers from the blinds bets, I'm all in, guy behind me folds and the blind calls all in with 67 and the 8 comes on the turn. Seriously. I think I need a couple of days away from tournament poker. Although I know that'll only last until tomorrow night when I'm bored again.

Lot of 50p's going on in this blog.
If I keep running like this I'll be bust before the month's out..
Maybe I should stick it all on next weeks Sunday Million, i"m due some run good ;)

BR @ end of session $278.49
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Re: [X] Degenerate + Bankroll Management = ...
« Reply #18 on: January 26, 2010, 06:41:09 AM »
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Re: [X] Degenerate + Bankroll Management = ...
« Reply #19 on: January 26, 2010, 07:08:05 AM »
I have a quick question for you lot. I don't know if anyone is still reading this because nobody likes hearing someone's constant bad beat stories which is all I seem to have in the last few days. If there is anybody out there who has read my whining, do you think this last run of tournaments is just standard stuff? Am I blowing it out of proportion because it's happening to me or is it as sick as I think? I know you don't have the full picture as I've only detailed exit hands mostly but the exits feel like they've been brutal near on every time and come out of nowhere when I"m cruising along quite nicely. This is not quite like the run I went on in July-November when I"d go on long non-cashing streaks (and when I would cash it wouldn't be for anything significant) but it's getting there. I can deal with going on long non-cashing streaks as it"s pretty standard in MTTs and only putting in volume really rides it out but it"s the manner in which I"m going out that gets to me.

I seem to have always been able to go deep in 1-2k runner tournaments but when there"s 3,4,5 tables left and before the decent money kicks in I always end up on the wrong side of variance. Anybody got an idea of when it"s due to swing this way? lol. Not sure where to go from here, whether to move to SNGs where the money is more regular or what, I don't really get the same rush cashing in a SNG as I do going deep in a MTT which is what keeps me playing them I think.
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Re: [X] Degenerate + Bankroll Management = ...
« Reply #20 on: January 26, 2010, 07:53:53 AM »
I am reading (and enjoying it immensly, not because of your beats by the way ) however I am probably not one to offer any in depth advice  ;D ;D ;D

It just seems to be of those times when the whole world and his dog is against you and you can seem to hit nothing and every race is being battered. Concentrating on you bankroll is commendable and keep at it. Now for the other little management thingy - tilt/bad beat management  ::)


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Re: [X] Degenerate + Bankroll Management = ...
« Reply #21 on: January 26, 2010, 08:59:18 AM »

I am reading (and enjoying it immensly, not because of your beats by the way ) however I am probably not one to offer any in depth advice  ;D ;D ;D

It just seems to be of those times when the whole world and his dog is against you and you can seem to hit nothing and every race is being battered. Concentrating on you bankroll is commendable and keep at it. Now for the other little management thingy - tilt/bad beat management  ::)

Lol, yeah I guess so. I have actually never had a rage like I did earlier. After shouting "no jack" about 20 times in the space of 10 seconds I just blew up like the hulk when it hit. Good job nobody else was in the building with me  :D ;D
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Re: [X] Degenerate + Bankroll Management = ...
« Reply #22 on: January 26, 2010, 10:55:37 AM »
In the last two live tourneys I have played, I have had my aces cracked on the final table, in this weekends APAT event ( in which I played like a donkey!) I had my kings flattened by aces, and last night on the FT of a small MTT I had AK outdrawn by QJ.
So getting your money in with the best of it is not always profitable! The thing is and it has been said before in this forum, you always remember the beats, but the suck outs and out draws fade away as just part of the game.
I have to say after the 2 FTs and losing with Aces, I was crushed, but I am now becoming alot more philosophical about the beats, I think you have to if you are going to remain sane!!
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Re: [X] Degenerate + Bankroll Management = ...
« Reply #23 on: January 26, 2010, 11:50:30 AM »
Yeah you"re right Mikey. I just played a quick turbo tournament before going to bed for a few hours and I ran good for a change, until the end when my push with 88 got very loosely called by QJ considering my table image until then but oh well it was a $8.80 turbo donkament so I don"t mind as much. I probably wont remember that run good in a few days but I like moaning anyway :D

I finished 22nd out of 500 runners for $30 which puts me in profit for the first session in days, it was a very short session though :D I"m getting out while the going"s good. Time for bed. I hate the night shift.

BR @ end of session $277.98

EDIT: I feel a bit more peeved off at finishing 22nd when the guy who knocked me out donked off my chips within the five hands that followed and went out in 19th. Then I looked him up on Sharkscope and he was -$27k with a straight line from one corner to the other, wish I did that before pushing into his BB. Oh well, onwards and upwards.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2010, 12:04:05 PM by CrizzyConnor »
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Re: [X] Degenerate + Bankroll Management = ...
« Reply #24 on: January 27, 2010, 03:02:23 AM »
Decided to play a quick hour of cash and a dollar tournament before bed tonight, I never dented the dollar tournament but had profit in the cash games. I was playing two tables of PLO2 and ended +$2.30 in those and one table of PLO5 and ended +$6.92 in that, wish I had more time to play as I had a position on a player who would juice every single pot in the PLO5 game and was perfect to play with, he"s on my search list for some future games hopefully ;D

BR @ end of session $286.10
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Cash Game Advice?
« Reply #25 on: January 27, 2010, 19:18:40 PM »
So I ended up jumping back on the two tables this guy was playing at for an extra 15 minutes after I wrote the last update and left with another buy in and the BR @ $291.37. This guy was absolutely great for the game, I wasn"t always directly getting my chips from him a lot of the time as the rest of the table was getting annoyed with him winning pots with trash and they all seemed to open up their ranges to any two cards. I did the oppossite and just nitted up. He was juicing EVERY pot pre-flop potting the minute it came to him EVERY time. It was great when you hit and won, when you lost it was a bigger loss too but I"m willing to take that risk. The other great thing was despite juicing pre-flop the tables we happened to be on were quite passive post-flop which helped scoop up some extra chips. This guy was on again today and I"m hoping he"s a regular around here. I would be willing to play in any game this guy is juicing with my current roll upto $0.25/0.50. He seems to like the same stakes though as he"s playing them again today which is probably good for my bankroll management :D

I just had a quick couple of questions for any of you cash game players out there who may be reading. I"m not much of a cash game player and have always mainly played MTT"s but I want to start throwing some cash game sessions into the mix. My problem with cash games is I never know when to quit mainly. It"s going to be PLO cash I"m playing which is swingy by nature, with this in mind and my current bankroll (buying in for 100bbs deep @ $5 a time) is there a general rule as far as the # of buy ins you should quit at when you"re down as a stop-loss? The same question when you"re ahead, is there ever a time you should quit while ahead if you still feel good about playing, or just play until you feel you"re not playing optimally? My main question is the stop loss because when I"m down in a game that I think is juicy and I can win from in the long term, even if I"m running horribly in the session and losing buy in after buy in getting outdrawn with trash I"ll stay around which is probably not good. Any advice anyone may have is appreciated.
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Re: Cash Game Advice?
« Reply #26 on: January 27, 2010, 19:22:52 PM »

He was juicing EVERY pot pre-flop potting the minute it came to him EVERY time.

I was not on that table - honest  ::) ::)


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Re: Cash Game Advice?
« Reply #27 on: January 27, 2010, 22:10:54 PM »

He was juicing EVERY pot pre-flop potting the minute it came to him EVERY time.

I was not on that table - honest  ::) ::)

You"d be more than welcome to juice them up some more ;) i"m currently up another $12 in the cash games with him, took a quick break for dinner but back on for a little bit, on one of his tables now and on the list for another two... Probably just jinxed myself though, cue the 10 buy in downswing :D
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Re: [X] Degenerate + Bankroll Management = ...
« Reply #28 on: January 27, 2010, 22:27:34 PM »
There"s one buy in away already. A4A6 double suited - I pot, the juicer re-pots as expected. One flat caller and I decide to re-pot again to try get the pot heads up with juicers atc but get two flat calls. Board runs 357 rainbow. IT"S A BINGO!!! Or not. The guy who flat called twice out of position pushes and I snap call. He has aces too with a 5 and a 9. Two spades in his hand too and the turn and river are of course runner runner spade...

EDIT: Got it back with interest across three seperate medium sized pots, right no more updates until end of session.

« Last Edit: January 27, 2010, 22:36:07 PM by CrizzyConnor »
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Re: Cash Game Advice?
« Reply #29 on: January 27, 2010, 23:59:49 PM »
BR @ start of session $291.37

-$5.50 Poker Player game
+$18.00 exactly in PLO5

I was up another $4 at one point in the cash game until a hand just before I ended session,
happy with positive numbers on the roll anyway and finally getting back over the $300 mark.

BR @ end of session $303.87
WCOAP 2009 Online Omaha Champion
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