Author Topic: Ranking Points - some questions....  (Read 3804 times)

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Ranking Points - some questions....
« on: October 11, 2007, 13:21:12 PM »
Just to clarify, is the rankings table constructed using combined results of online, regional and national tournaments?

Assuming this is the case, are ALL your results taken into account, or is it limited to just your best twenty finishes (as I thought I read somewhere)?

Are the ranking points available the same for online, regional and national tournaments? I understand it is the top 9 who receive points - how is scored? 1st gets 10 points, 2nd gets 8, 3rd gets 7 down to 9th getting 1 point?

Are more points available for live tournies than on-line events?

Thanks and good luck to all who are playing tonight (except when at my table!)
Slow playing aces is a bit like making love to your best mate's bird - you know you shouldn't but you just can't help yourself.


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Re: Ranking Points - some questions....
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2007, 14:19:33 PM »
“Ranking points can be earned in APAT Regional and National Championship events and through our Online Series of events at Blue Square.”

“Players can compete in as many events as they wish, but they will be able to use their points earned in a maximum of twenty ranking events in calculating their final total.  Of those twenty events, a maximum of five live ranking events can be used.”

“1) Members will earn between 1 and 9 ranking points for finishing in the top nine players at each of 50 Online Series events at
2) Players will earn between 1 and 9 ranking points for finishing in the top nine players at each of 67 Regional Championship events.
3) Players will earn between 1 and 18 ranking points for finishing in the top 18 players at each of 7 National Championship events. The remaining National events will be non ranking due to their invitational or one day structure. “

Hope this helps  :)
How can you call that.... you should have bet more...... I was all-in...... well you should have had more to bet.


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Re: Ranking Points - some questions....
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2007, 00:19:03 AM »
Do the ranking points from the regionals go towards national ranking?

I thought they only went towards the regional championships :-\
The Green Deal Wales -


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Re: Ranking Points - some questions....
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2007, 08:37:55 AM »

Do the ranking points from the regionals go towards national ranking?

I thought they only went towards the regional championships :-\

Yes ranking points from Regionals do go towards national rankings as well although only a maximum of 5 scoring live events can be included in your total.
How can you call that.... you should have bet more...... I was all-in...... well you should have had more to bet.