Author Topic: UK Team Championship - Seat Draw  (Read 7229 times)

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UK Team Championship - Seat Draw
« on: January 22, 2010, 23:42:36 PM »
Here is the seating draw for the start of play in Manchester tomorrow.  The draw was random with the objective of separating all teams as evenly as possible.

Good luck and fair play to all teams.

Table 1-1:  Ed Debaes (The Hendon Mob)
Table 1-2:  Marty Rice (NI Poker)
Table 1-3:  Jon Titley (UK Poker Info)
Table 1-4:  Stan Martin (Raise The River)
Table 1-5:  Tina Johnson (Sky Poker)
Table 1-6:  Joe Geraghty (Punters Lounge)
Table 1-7:  Howard Whittingham (Voyage In Poker)
Table 1-8:  Andrew Duncan (APAT)
Table 1-9:  Ian Galpin (Ace Of Clubs)
Table 1-10:  Clare Duffy (Bristol & South West Poker Meetup)

Table 2-1:  Dean Pearson (Eat My Stack)
Table 2-2:  Dawn Dineen (Blonde Poker)
Table 2-3:  David Nuttie (FISO)
Table 2-4:  Paul Robinson (Furness Poker)
Table 2-5:  Matt McKinlay (Black Country Poker Club)
Table 2-6:  Daniel Shaw (UK Poker Info)
Table 2-7:  David Mcmillan (Raise The River)
Table 2-8:  Julie Holness (Sky Poker)
Table 2-9:  Richard Lathan  (The Hendon Mob)
Table 2-10:  Dominic Marley (NI Poker)

Table 3-1:  Christian Briggs (PokerPlayer)
Table 3-2:  Gerard Smith (Chezger)
Table 3-3:  Dave Garden (A World Of Poker)
Table 3-4:  Dawn Wills (Newcastle Poker Forum)
Table 3-5:  Matt Carter (London Poker Meetup)
Table 3-6:  Tom Broadbent (FISO)
Table 3-7:  Stu Dorman (Furness Poker)
Table 3-8:  Paul Foy (Black Country Poker Club)
Table 3-9:  Dave Griffiths (Eat My Stack)
Table 3-10:  Paul Tuff (Blonde Poker)

Table 4-1:  Michelle Bricknell (Voyage In Poker)
Table 4-2:  Leigh Wiltshire (APAT)
Table 4-3:  Mike Saban (Ace Of Clubs)
Table 4-4:  Rod Buckman (Bristol & South West Poker Meetup)
Table 4-5:  Tom (Punters Lounge)
Table 4-6:  Paul Murphy (A World Of Poker)
Table 4-7:  Peter Smithson (Newcastle Poker Forum)
Table 4-8:  Jim Lynott (London Poker Meetup)
Table 4-9:  Adam Doherty (PokerPlayer)
Table 4-10:  David Davies (Chezger)

Table 5-1:  Adam Sharples (Sky Poker)
Table 5-2:  Darren Sprengers (The Hendon Mob)
Table 5-3:  Gerard Harraghy (NI Poker)
Table 5-4:  Matt Boyd (UK Poker Info)
Table 5-5:  Jon Ellis (Raise The River)
Table 5-6:  Mary Martin (Ace Of Clubs)
Table 5-7:  Paul Smith (Bristol & South West Poker Meetup)
Table 5-8:  Arek Sinkiewicz (Punters Lounge)
Table 5-9:  Jacquline Dwan (Voyage In Poker)
Table 5-10:  Brendan Byrne (APAT)

Table 6-1:  Brian Yates (Black Country Poker Club)
Table 6-2:  Steve Talbot (Eat My Stack)
Table 6-3:  Asa McGrath (Blonde Poker)
Table 6-4:  Ben Russell (FISO)
Table 6-5:  Steve Robinson (Furness Poker)
Table 6-6:  Eoin Morris (NI Poker)
Table 6-7:  Sean Perry (UK Poker Info)
Table 6-8:  Graeme Defty (Raise The River)
Table 6-9:  Philip Quinn (Sky Poker)
Table 6-10:  Jon Woodfield (The Hendon Mob)

Table 7-1:  Paul Davis (London Poker Meetup)
Table 7-2:  Helen Wilcox (PokerPlayer)
Table 7-3:  Ger Smyth Junior (Chezger)
Table 7-4:  Martin Devilin (A World Of Poker)
Table 7-5:  Peter Newton (Newcastle Poker Forum)
Table 7-6:  Darren Shallis (Blonde Poker)
Table 7-7:  Phil Colls (FISO)
Table 7-8:  Chris Salmon (Furness Poker)
Table 7-9:  Maxine McKinlay (Black Country Poker Club)
Table 7-10:  Chris Baylis (Eat My Stack)

Table 8-1:  Graeme Morl (Punters Lounge)
Table 8-2:  Mark Deacon (Voyage In Poker)
Table 8-3:  Wayne Parker (APAT)
Table 8-4:  Kev Ridley (Ace Of Clubs)
Table 8-5:  Ben Walton (Bristol & South West Poker Meetup)
Table 8-6:  Richard Offless (Chezger)
Table 8-7:  Phill Gilby (A World Of Poker)
Table 8-8:  Samuel James (Newcastle Poker Forum)
Table 8-9:  Terry Aylward (London Poker Meetup)
Table 8-10:  Mike Scothern (PokerPlayer)

Table 9-1:  Michael Hawthorne (Raise The River)
Table 9-2:  Michael Hogg (Sky Poker)
Table 9-3:  Dan Musson (The Hendon Mob)
Table 9-4:  Gareth Cash (NI Poker)
Table 9-5:  Dave McDermot (UK Poker Info)
Table 9-6:  Stuart Oliver (APAT)
Table 9-7:  Phil Scott (Ace Of Clubs)
Table 9-8:  Dave Young (Bristol & South West Poker Meetup)
Table 9-9:  Alan Steer (Punters Lounge)
Table 9-10:  Dave Taylor (Voyage In Poker)

Table 10-1:  Jon Seal (Furness Poker)
Table 10-2:  Tony Trippier (Black Country Poker Club)
Table 10-3:  Ian Lee (Eat My Stack)
Table 10-4:  Colin Wilson (Blonde Poker)
Table 10-5:  Kieran Matthews (FISO)
Table 10-6:  Gary Peniket  (The Hendon Mob)
Table 10-7:  Desi Graham (NI Poker)
Table 10-8:  Chris Keyworth (UK Poker Info)
Table 10-9:  Anthony Williams (Raise The River)
Table 10-10:  Simon Pascoe (Sky Poker)

Table 11-1:  Dave Collins (Newcastle Poker Forum)
Table 11-2:  Johnel Bracey (London Poker Meetup)
Table 11-3:  Alan Doolan (PokerPlayer)
Table 11-4:  Carl Lybert (Chezger)
Table 11-5:  Ky Hutchinson (A World Of Poker)
Table 11-6:  Richard King (Eat My Stack)
Table 11-7:  Michael Paterson (Blonde Poker)
Table 11-8:  Daniel Thursfield (FISO)
Table 11-9:  Mark Curwen (Furness Poker)
Table 11-10:  Malcolm Howell (Black Country Poker Club)

Table 12-1:  Ton Steuart-Feilding (Bristol & South West Poker Meetup)
Table 12-2:  Gary Graham (Punters Lounge)
Table 12-3:  Tracy Taylor (Voyage In Poker)
Table 12-4:  John Murray (APAT)
Table 12-5:  Mark Kelly (Ace Of Clubs)
Table 12-6:  Rob Swindells (PokerPlayer)
Table 12-7:  Alan Armitage (Chezger)
Table 12-8:  Anna Astley (A World Of Poker)
Table 12-9:  Sean McGuiggan (Newcastle Poker Forum)
Table 12-10:  Alex Grose (London Poker Meetup)

Table 13-1:  Dale Leighton (UK Poker Info)
Table 13-2:  Phil Jones (Raise The River)
Table 13-3:  David Thompson (Sky Poker)
Table 13-4:  Jonathon Sibley  (The Hendon Mob)
Table 13-5:  Colin O"Prey (NI Poker)
Table 13-6:  Paul Webb (Voyage In Poker)
Table 13-7:  Will Young (APAT)
Table 13-8:  Andy Cooling (Ace Of Clubs)
Table 13-9:  Patrick Kelly (Bristol & South West Poker Meetup)
Table 13-10:  Brian Martin (Punters Lounge)

Table 14-1:  Matthew Doheny (FISO)
Table 14-2:  Phil Bell (Furness Poker)
Table 14-3:  Andy Overton (Black Country Poker Club)
Table 14-4:  Rob Cowburn (Eat My Stack)
Table 14-5:  Frank Bailie (Blonde Poker)
Table 14-6:  Mike Hudson (Sky Poker)
Table 14-7:  Allan MacDonald  (The Hendon Mob)
Table 14-8:  Billy Johnstone (NI Poker)
Table 14-9:  Andy Durose (UK Poker Info)
Table 14-10:  Brian Frew (Raise The River)

Table 15-1:  Rick Gilby (A World Of Poker)
Table 15-2:  Steve Wills (Newcastle Poker Forum)
Table 15-3:  Alan McBride (London Poker Meetup)
Table 15-4:  Marcin Rejmak (PokerPlayer)
Table 15-5:  Dewi James (Chezger)
Table 15-6:  Tod Wood (Black Country Poker Club)
Table 15-7:  Donna Bairstow (Eat My Stack)
Table 15-8:  Steve Roderick (Blonde Poker)
Table 15-9:  Mike Hodgkiess (FISO)
Table 15-10:  Wayne Moffatt (Furness Poker)

Table 16-1:  Lou Saban (Ace Of Clubs)
Table 16-2:  Sam Swannack (Bristol & South West Poker Meetup)
Table 16-3:  Billy Wallace (Punters Lounge)
Table 16-4:  Valerie Morris (Voyage In Poker)
Table 16-5:  Steve Redfern (APAT)
Table 16-6:  Ed Herman (London Poker Meetup)
Table 16-7:  Neil Atkins (PokerPlayer)
Table 16-8:  Glenn Laming (Chezger)
Table 16-9:  John Hare (A World Of Poker)
Table 16-10:  Dave Stephenson (Newcastle Poker Forum)