As we have to create our own fun amongst ourselves in the Poker wilderness that is North Norfolk, we are having a 50,000 Chip Deepstack Event on Sunday 21st February 2010.
This will be held at Holt Football Club, with a 2pm start and costs just £25 + £3 to enter, including buffet (any money remaining from the £3 registration is returned in prize money, so no profit is made).
Blinds start at 25/50 with 25 minute levels and we think you would be hard pressed to find a better value game deepstack anywhere.
Numbers are limited to a maximum of 24 players due to the chips in play and to ensure that we can finish at a reasonable hour

Places are filling fast but if anyone would like to come and have ago please let us know.
We are friendly bunch, even to outsiders from the City and even those that aren"t related to us, which may surprise some of you out there

Be lucky!!!!!!