Firstly it is a shame that the bigger clubs are getting a little bad press over the numbers they do get. I can only speak with our club (Luton) but we manage to get high numbers through good networking within our club, and some hard work put in at the start in recruiting (Maybe sometimes a little too eager!

) But my point is, we have done nothing different that other clubs could do?

The points player ratio is a good idea, but was mentioned before maybe distracts from APAT obtaining newer players, promoting its brand through the online league.
And, again as before, it could detract from clubs signing up new players.
So my 2p..
To have a squad of players in each club but have a maximum of XX per club actually playing the matchday.
A) Each club could have numerous members - making sure APAT grows
B) No club with smaller members are "punished" for a lack of numbers.
It could be up to the captain to select that weeks palyers, or could be done on a rotation basis..or APAT could enforce that all players must play at least 5 games...etc....
Just thoughts running through my head....and now putting it out there....i"m sure I havent thought of all angles and this certainly hasn"t been fully thought out yet!