Author Topic: Pot Odds ( I have the last post on every topic- HELP)  (Read 11745 times)

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Re: Pot Odds ( I have the last post on every topic- HELP)
« Reply #15 on: October 22, 2007, 09:43:53 AM »
Agreed about the difference between cash and tournament for the importance of pot odds.  Of course, they are important in tournaments, but other factors can take precedence.

In cash games, pot odds are often the (or one of the) major factors influencing a decision.  Going back to the OP - he was referring to a cash game, so pot odds are important.
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Re: Pot Odds ( I have the last post on every topic- HELP)
« Reply #16 on: October 22, 2007, 10:27:13 AM »
I may have misunderstood, but I dont think the post was actually refering to Pot Odds.

My understanding of pot odds is "The return you are getting in relation to the amount of money or chips it will cost you to make a call versus the odds that you will hit a card to improve your hand.  Or the making a bet of sufficient size to deny your opponent the correct odds to draw to improve his hand.

The original post illustrated an important factor in hand selection, the odds of Q 10 catching A J for example is a major consideration when deciding wether to get involved in a hand at all, we will not know for sure what hand our opponent holds, but we can put them on a range of hands, this helps us decide wether we are getting involved, then many factors including pot odds take over.