I, like most have have same said poker sites loaded on my laptop as my desktop.So if i register in a tourney on my
desktop it doesn"t matter which said computer i fire up,i"m registered in the tourney of the chosen site yeah?.Because after all its the same account,yes?.
Well apparantly not with Betfair........
7.45 i fire up laptop,there i am in the tourney lobby, (registered,because i did it on my desktop)but the "orange" register icon is lit,hmmmm,strange.I click "my tourney"s and according to exactly the same betfair software i have loaded on my laptop as my desktop,same account same user name same password,i"m not entered in any tourney"s.Not wanting to be tied down at my desktop i do the following......
I close down laptop fire up desktop,same user name same password SAME ACCOUNT go to my tourneys and there i am entered in the welsh on-line champs,only difference, i have orange "un-register" icon lit.So i un-register,
close down betfair site and re-log in on my laptop.Enter same user name same password,of course its the same account why wouldn"t i?.I go to apat tourney click register enter password,NOT ENOUGH CREDIT! what? its the same account i just unregistered from on my desktop,how can there be not enough credit?.So,i then close betfair down on laptop (7.55) and fire it back up on desktop.Then you know what happened then? Cannot connect to server was the reply on the betfair site!!!! ARGGGGGGGGGGH.Eventually at 7.59 i get connected,to rush to tourney lobby just in time to see said "orange" register icon un-light,,,FML.
So why is that? Can someone please explain as i am absolutley seething here......and thats putting it midly.