Sorry people, probably should have put this some place else. But, first post on here, so bare with me.
Basically, I am brand new to APAT. I have not played any competitions under the name APAT, and only ever played the Glasgow/Liverpool Casino"s, with decent success.
But, I am looking at info for the Estonian Tournament.
I would like to know whether there is any chance of someone like myself being involved in this event?
Is there some sort of qualification to be included on this, or can anyone register and it"s on a first come, first served basis?
I noticed that tournaments last year were limited to a certain amount, which seemed rather low, so I am guessing that they all filled up rather quickly?
How soon would registration begin for this tournament, albeit it doesn"t start until late-July?
What is the registration procedure, how do you go about claiming a seat?
Any help and info is muchly appreciated.