Author Topic: S4 Online National League 1 - Matchday 2  (Read 25536 times)

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Re: S4 Online National League 1 - Matchday 2
« Reply #45 on: March 15, 2010, 18:34:42 PM »

And still people just dont get it. They"re flaming me and arguing exactly the same point as me.. wtf?

It"s not about that hand, its about the attitude of members.

Well I want no further part of it, I"ve unregd my Swansea seat and will have nothing more to do with this once great forum.

I apologise to Des, Leigh & crew, who retain my utmost respect & best wishes, as do the guys from Solent.

Everyone else can just fk off like the self-centred ego-tisic twats you are.


Sorry you feel that way Bart, everyone is entitled to an opinion and you are certainly entitled to yours. I don"t think anyones previous post on this thread was "flaming" they were just voicing their own opinion.

Harsh last sentence in my opinion, but it is an opinion like everyone elses.

Best of luck in all you do in the future whatever that may be



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Re: S4 Online National League 1 - Matchday 2
« Reply #46 on: March 15, 2010, 18:36:31 PM »

Sounds like a slowroll. It"s very hard to make those funny, though sometimes worth the effort.

I had just joined the *** [mod edit] table with no reads, a good but very beatable hand and a guy shoves for tournament life. He was already fully commited and so i gained no advantage by taking 5 or 6 seconds to consider whether this was the right spot to flip or be dominated. What *** [mod edit] part do you not understand?

Again, an excellent example of people sticking their noses into something they haven"t a clue on.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2010, 18:41:14 PM by xxMAIRxx »
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Re: S4 Online National League 1 - Matchday 2
« Reply #47 on: March 15, 2010, 18:40:02 PM »
Depends if he was 7BBs deep or 40.


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Re: S4 Online National League 1 - Matchday 2
« Reply #48 on: March 15, 2010, 18:42:34 PM »

And still people just dont get it. They"re flaming me and arguing exactly the same point as me.. wtf?

It"s not about that hand, its about the attitude of members.

Well I want no further part of it, I"ve unregd my Swansea seat and will have nothing more to do with this once great forum.

I apologise to Des, Leigh & crew, who retain my utmost respect & best wishes, as do the guys from Solent.

Everyone else can just fk off like the self-centred ego-tisic twats you are.


Sorry you feel that way Bart, everyone is entitled to an opinion and you are certainly entitled to yours. I don"t think anyones previous post on this thread was "flaming" they were just voicing their own opinion.

Harsh last sentence in my opinion, but it is an opinion like everyone elses.

Best of luck in all you do in the future whatever that may be



I"m disabled, virtually housebound and Swansea meant everything to me, self esteem, a purpose in life, much more than you will ever know, but once again and not for the first time, I get shot down for stating a perfectly valid opinion.

I just can"t take it anymore. Members here have to learn respect for each other.

Like I said, sorry to those that have provided friendship & encouragement including yourself Duke, it was really appreciated.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2010, 18:44:26 PM by EnglandBart »
"People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they're not on your road doesn't mean they've gotten lost"


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Re: S4 Online National League 1 - Matchday 2
« Reply #49 on: March 15, 2010, 18:47:51 PM »
Ummm unless i"ve always had the complete wrong defenition of the term "slowroll" this shouldn"t even be up for debate.

Surely a slowroll happens at showdown after the river, after all the cards have been dealt, and all betting is finished, and the player with the best hand takes an age to turn his cards over or lets the other player think he"s won before turning his winning hand over.

No slowroll here just someone making a decision  :-\
"When you're at the poker table and in a situation where you feel like it's stupid - where you feel you're jeopardising something you don't need to - it probably is stupid. So every time you feel like you're going to do something stupid, don't do it!" - Daniel Negreanu


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Re: S4 Online National League 1 - Matchday 2
« Reply #50 on: March 15, 2010, 18:48:37 PM »
I didn"t shoot you down Bart, I just thought the sentence was harsh. Your own opinions are important to you and I respect that, I wasn"t trying to say anything other than I thought that last comment was harsh.

apologies if it came across as something else


edit - to your edit - Thanks and good luck...
« Last Edit: March 15, 2010, 18:51:53 PM by duke3016 »

troubled joe

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Re: S4 Online National League 1 - Matchday 2
« Reply #51 on: March 15, 2010, 18:49:01 PM »

One thing puzzled me - a couple of players made it clear that they felt that internet poker (or net sh*te as they described it) wasn"t as random as live poker is. Surely we all know that the "internet poker is rigged" argument is over?

I remember this one (I was "sugarspun" and made a tongue in cheek comment about net sh*te shortly afterwards after my A9 cracked JJ).   Always amuses me when people do this, or talk about a suckout being "typical ipoker/"Stars etc. ", as if they really believe the sites might have some vested interest in pi**ing them off or rigging the cards against them.

Self-delusion or paranoia on a grand scale.


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Re: S4 Online National League 1 - Matchday 2
« Reply #52 on: March 15, 2010, 19:57:18 PM »

And still people just dont get it. They"re flaming me and arguing exactly the same point as me.. wtf?

It"s not about that hand, its about the attitude of members.

Well I want no further part of it, I"ve unregd my Swansea seat and will have nothing more to do with this once great forum.

I apologise to Des, Leigh & crew, who retain my utmost respect & best wishes, as do the guys from Solent.

Everyone else can just fk off like the self-centred ego-tisic twats you are.


Sorry you feel that way Bart, everyone is entitled to an opinion and you are certainly entitled to yours. I don"t think anyones previous post on this thread was "flaming" they were just voicing their own opinion.

Harsh last sentence in my opinion, but it is an opinion like everyone elses.

Best of luck in all you do in the future whatever that may be



I"m disabled, virtually housebound and Swansea meant everything to me, self esteem, a purpose in life, much more than you will ever know, but once again and not for the first time, I get shot down for stating a perfectly valid opinion.

I just can"t take it anymore. Members here have to learn respect for each other.

Like I said, sorry to those that have provided friendship & encouragement including yourself Duke, it was really appreciated.

Bart, not sure I understand where all this ill-feeling has come from, but clearly something has upset you. I doubt it was just the hand where you and I got chips in - there must be something deeper to have upset you so drastically that you are resigning when APAT means so much to you.

With respect to our hand, and my clarification above.... if you are going to post history like you did, I think you should take the trouble to post factually, rather than making up a completely different scenario that paints a wholly different picture to suit some other purpose. The hand concerned saw me shove with 7 big blinds UTG and holding 77 - not shoving 40 big blinds with Ace rag as you posted earlier.  Now, if you wish to recover the chat box conversation, you will see that I typed "slowroll?".... ie, I was asking if you had just slowrolled me. Your response was "lol". 


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Re: S4 Online National League 1 - Matchday 2
« Reply #53 on: March 15, 2010, 22:12:15 PM »
steve r u telling me that on a "great" poker site like betfair, where u cant see the stucture, your current balance, average stack etc etc you can recover the chat box history.
now i"m surprised.


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Re: S4 Online National League 1 - Matchday 2
« Reply #54 on: March 15, 2010, 22:22:13 PM »
do i detect a "hint" of sarcasm there??????????