Author Topic: League One Week Three  (Read 3792 times)

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League One Week Three
« on: March 29, 2010, 18:05:50 PM »
Hi Guys , I"m sorry to say but I had another shocker last night , for some reason , and I"m not sure why , I just can"t get started this year. I mean I made an appalling call last night for all my chips , Bob"ll tell you if he looked up my hand history , so many hands could beat me it was awful . I don"t mind sharing this with you guys but I floppped middle pair A kicker and a nut flush draw . I"ve made about 3/4 pot bets on the flop and turn and been flat called both times. I know lads the alarm bells are going off but my opponent was betting erratically , so see what happens. I"ve missed on the river and make a "I give up on this pot"  check. My opponent puts me all in , now two pair and trips was screaming at me I don"t need to make the call I still had about 1200 chips left. I donked all my chips so I could see his three fours , madness.

     So why did I call , well my opponent may have had middle pair same as me and my ace was good or he/ she had nothing at all and because he / she had me covered about 3/1 in chips chanced thier arm hoping I would fold. To be honest the latter was wishful thinking but I have to say something lol . I"m having a little problem getting used to Betfair"s software however thats no excuse but what I have found a little strange is that I hav"nt managed to get over 2600 chips in three weeks of playing. ! . If I consider that I"ve had relativly good returns on my money on the cash tables nothing is happening on the Tourneys , dunno . Anyway moan over sorry to anyone who has just spent 30 seconds wasted time reading this but it makes me feel better. Good luck eveyone Frazer xx .


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Re: League One Week Three
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2010, 18:18:00 PM »
I am no expert, but I thought there was a good chance he had made a set ( which he had), with the draws you had I think it was a reasonable(ish) call, but also one you could have let go.

I managed to find someone who was prepared to call a 3bb raise from the BB with 52o, who hit a 2 on the flop and who then felt they could call an all in raise with bottom pair. Of course I missed my draws and was out. 52o!!!!!!!
It's only a Game

I could list my APAT achievements here, but I am too modest,and there isn't enough space


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Re: League One Week Three
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2010, 20:52:40 PM »
Yes Bob this is another reason I made the call , if I'm going out then I'm going out but I have something if my opponent is holding air then I doubling up.I could wait for a premium hand and still get knocked out by someone with 7 2 off who gets really lucky. Also I have a8 if my opponent has k8 it's a genius call , but never the less I should have laid it down. Perhaps you should have given me a kick under the table , a little wake up call. Frazer.


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Re: League One Week Three
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2010, 18:29:48 PM »
"I could wait for a premium hand and still get knocked out by someone with 7 2 off who gets really lucky."

or J4 off heh Bob?!!  Think I am over it now, honest, but how it hurt at the time.


Keep plugging away and you will come good.

