finished in 24th, not very happy with how i played really overall, was too passive post flop on the day and didnt do much to rectify it
However one hand did confuse me, quite early in the day (2000/4000 stack c.80000) i have aj suited utg flat call, hoping for a limpfest or small raise which i can flat, guy raises to 11000, which i call (and leaves him about 35k behind)
flop is j56, and im happy to just take the pot there so push. the guy then starts to say this is sick ans after about a minute says "you have aj, right?" then calls for all his chips, with aq?

ended up though, blinds were about to leave me with 10bb, in cutoff aq suited, against button"s ak which crippled me, and that left me with 3 bb
Still was a good tourney, cashed both years now, but the world series seat for me will have to wait till next year!