Author Topic: G3LBOY, janc, nosey-p and Monkeyman playing in Vegas (Nov 07)  (Read 14803 times)

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Re: G3LBOY, janc, nosey-p and Monkeyman playing in Vegas (Nov 07)
« Reply #45 on: November 26, 2007, 12:46:58 PM »
Just got back from Vegas, 5 hours sleep in 3 days don't you just love those flights.

Since Mrs P went with me (who is a non gambler) they were little chance for me to play. No Black Jack, no Roulette and only one game off poker yes that's right I said one. I played the $150 game at Ceasar's, 97 runners 5000 chips 40 minute clock (no 150/300 level). First break I had doubled up, second break I had doubled up again. At which point I decided to stretch my legs were I stumbled on the Pu$$y Cats (WOW) after returning to the poker room ten minutes late, we was down to about 55 (top nine get paid). Picked up some good hands, Ace's twice, Kings once, Queens once and AK three times all within about 30 hands. At this point was in the top 5 out off 20. After that I was total card dead.

To cut a long story short, I folder my way into the money, finally finishing in 5th place for $800, going out on 88 v A9 A on the flop. I could have been more aggressive around the bubble if I was willing to gamble and go for the win (How do you play AJ UTG when you no that someone behind you will go all in?)  

Congratulations Neil, sorry we did not meet up, another time maybe?

I will Just leave you with one last word PU$$YCAT-DOLLS              


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Re: G3LBOY, janc, nosey-p and Monkeyman playing in Vegas (Nov 07)
« Reply #46 on: November 26, 2007, 13:43:55 PM »
N1 Wayne. A great result in the one tourney you played.

Defo gotta love those flights. I honestly thought I was going to be OK jetlag-wise as we were getting 4 or 5 hours sleep each night and power-napping for 1 or 2 hours during the day (UK time). That was until I nipped back to bed for a "quick hour" this morning and woke up 4 hours later.

Maybe by late "09 (if the US is still above ground and the $ is still as weak as my stomach after all those Vegas Buffet breakfasts), APAT will be offering a Poker-Only Holiday to Vegas at preferred rates (as we could book as a large group). I would not be adverse to playing entirely in front of the Pu$$yCats but, although impressed and delighted to be distracted by cleavage, thighs and high heels, I"d happily trade them, the jetlag, the high rakes and ridiculous SNG terms of MGM Grand, the smokey rooms and the constant clanging and bleeping of slot machines for a week long series of APAT deepstacks at DTD or similar.

« Last Edit: November 26, 2007, 13:46:58 PM by lukybugur »


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Re: G3LBOY, janc, nosey-p and Monkeyman playing in Vegas (Nov 07)
« Reply #47 on: November 28, 2007, 20:39:55 PM »
I have just been looking at flights for next October/November; the cheapest I could find was £625 (direct). Can anybody help with the best way to get cheap flights?    


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Re: G3LBOY, janc, nosey-p and Monkeyman playing in Vegas (Nov 07)
« Reply #48 on: November 28, 2007, 21:15:46 PM »
IceLolly : £409 Return going out on 15th Oct back 19th Oct direct from Manchester (through

After pricing our break there at £2498 on last January, we got it for £1345 through and, having just been on looking again, I"m getting similar deals for mid-September next year - £600/£750 per person including connecting flights with BA from Glasgow to Gatwick including accommodation.

A few guys from my golf club are just back from a Golf Holiday in Arizona. They went half price compared to what they were quoted in the UK by booking through a US golf tours company. It may be a bit risky but I might be inclined to go looking for US based travel agent if I were you.


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Re: G3LBOY, janc, nosey-p and Monkeyman playing in Vegas (Nov 07)
« Reply #49 on: November 28, 2007, 22:29:05 PM »

I have just been looking at flights for next October/November; the cheapest I could find was £625 (direct). Can anybody help with the best way to get cheap flights?    

1. Join Virgin Flying Club.
2. Buy 2000 Virgin Miles for £45 - enough for a discounted flight - you will be able to save upto £200.
3. Just keep checking the Virgin Atlantic website, prices change all the time. I wouldn"t expect to pay more than £300 at that time of year.
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Re: G3LBOY, janc, nosey-p and Monkeyman playing in Vegas (Nov 07)
« Reply #50 on: December 03, 2007, 18:12:56 PM »
Don"t yet know when I"ll feel strong enough to go back. I arrived home 2 days ago and I"m still jetlagged. The poker couldn"t have gone much worse; 8 tourneys in 6 days and not a single cash despite 3 final tables. I didn"t win a single race all week and at one point had AA cracked by AJ for a pot worth 35% of all the chips in play.
 On the positive side, I"m sure the trip has improved my game by forcing me to play hands and situations I probably wouldn"t have touched before I went and I visited more card rooms than on my last visit.
 I played at Planet Hollywood 4 times (20 minute levels,80 x BB starting stack, $60 buy in) and was pleasantly surprised to find that although the poker room is situated just inside the entrance to the casino, it didn"t seem to be overwhelmed by noise from nearby slot machines. The tables were of a high standard and the dealers all seemed to manage to be both efficient and personable. There did seem to be a number of off duty dealers/ wannabe pros lurking here, particularly at the start of the week. 
  My favourite room by some margin was Caesars Palace. I played the 9am tournament which had 30 minute levels, a starting stack of 50 x big blind and a $70 buy in. The dealers were the best I encountered, the room looked better than the others I played in and best of all, its separated from the main body of the casino by a short corridor so there is no noise pollution.
 I hated the MGM Grand room (11am tourney, 48 x BB starting stack, 20 minute blinds, $65 buy in) as despite playing in the morning, there were occasions when the noise from the adjacent bar made it impossible to hear what was being said by  others at the table. In addition, the dealers seemed to be going through the motions and didn"t seem to have as much personality as those at Caesars and Planet Hollywood.
 Treasure Island was also a bit of a let down. The standard of decor was excellent but despite the poker room"s location, in a corridor almost opposite the Mystere theatre/ticket office, there didn"t seem to be as many players as I"d expected and like the MGM, the dealers didn"t seem to enjoy themselves as much as at some of the other rooms.
 Hopefully next june I"ll be able to report back with my impressions of the tournament room at the Rio............          
Currently tearing the Ipoker anonymous tables a new one


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Re: G3LBOY, janc, nosey-p and Monkeyman playing in Vegas (Nov 07)
« Reply #51 on: December 06, 2007, 14:25:33 PM »
Sorry its late but been at deaths door with man flue since i came home.
didnt do much good at all untill our last two days.

The Monday before we came home i entered the binnions 11.00am $50 freezeout, having tried it twice before , and getting nowhere.,
anyhow managed to chop with a nice lady for close to $700.
same day the wife &me played a couple of $40 sit and goes at the plaza, cashing 1st &second  and then 1st again.
the tuesday while neil and myself were donking off our chips in the nugget 7 pm torny my wife took along julie(neils new bride)to the bingo at the plaza, meeting up with us $480 better off.  after that it was decided that all four of us would play the 9pm at fitzgeralds. to cut to the chase neil & myself made the final table with neil cashing i think forth. just to finish the trip off at the airport i finished up  just over $350 up on vidio poker. should have played more of this lol.
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Re: G3LBOY, janc, nosey-p and Monkeyman playing in Vegas (Nov 07)
« Reply #52 on: December 06, 2007, 18:02:57 PM »
Video Poker? I wasted a good few $s trying to get to grips with it but couldnae. Maybe I just got a duff machine ...  :-\  ;)


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Re: G3LBOY, janc, nosey-p and Monkeyman playing in Vegas (Nov 07)
« Reply #53 on: December 16, 2007, 20:36:10 PM »
Maybe, just maybe I have learned a few lessons from my trip to Vegas after all. After my best APAT online result on thursday, third, under my "Idrivetractors" alter-ego, I won a regional event 2 days later. Cardiff cant come quick enough.    
Currently tearing the Ipoker anonymous tables a new one