Author Topic: tough decision in the ukipt DTD  (Read 4283 times)

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tough decision in the ukipt DTD
« on: May 16, 2010, 20:40:59 PM »
 I dont think i have posted any hands on here so may aswell make this my first, as it has been bugging me for a couple of days.
I am UTG with a stack size of 28,000 and blinds of  100 /200/ 25. Starting pot is 525 and i have "M" 50ish and 140 BBs, so i am quite deep and comfortable on my very agressive table.

I get delt  ad kd and raise it to 600. 1 caller and the SB comes over the top with a 3 bet for 2,500. Short stack in the BB shoves for 2,000 and i decide to flat the 2,500......(dont tell me to now 4 bet, because its not my style, and this is not the issue anyway)

the origional caller to my open raise, flats the 2,500 which i fully expected, and we take a flop of  6d 7d 9c with 2 diamonds i have the nut flush draw and 2 overs.....
SB cautiously checks, and i check ( intending on check raising or taking a free card, either way i dont mind right now)
To my surprise the other guy shoves all in for 40,000 and easily covers me and the SB. The SB folds.
I have over 100bbs if i fold, and the possibilty that i have even less outs than the 15 which i would hope for. If he has a set then my overs are no good, and my flush out is 1 less which gives me just 8 clear outs and a 32% chance of winning with 2 streets to come.

If i call and win, then my stack goes to 60k and gives my ammo to dominate the table and really use my chips to push these guys around, but if i loose im am busto.

Any tourney specialists out there who can help me? Was it worth a call to gain chips and use them to make a push for mine-field stadge with a monster stack. Or was it right to fold and carry on with trying to grind away with100bbs.

not wanting to be results orianted, i wont tell you the outcome untill i get some replies....thaks
« Last Edit: May 16, 2010, 20:43:08 PM by WYoung83 »


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Re: tough decision in the ukipt DTD
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2010, 20:46:30 PM »
happy to rrai with this hand, but you clearly don"t have the pot odds to call his open overshove..... you need 2:1 assuming you have 9 clear outs, but with the big overshove you aren"t getting that.   simple fold imo.


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Re: tough decision in the ukipt DTD
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2010, 20:56:32 PM »
40k into a 10k pot? Ali Mallu by any chance?


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Re: tough decision in the ukipt DTD
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2010, 21:00:32 PM »
I would probably flat here pre as well. would hate to 4 bet fold here.

I"d fold to that donkey shove with such a decent playable stack behind. I"m pretty sure you are a favourite to win here (you may even be ahead now), though there is a chance you are not. There just is no need to play a big pot at this stage of the tourney. Wait for a better spot, hopefully against the same oppo!!
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Re: tough decision in the ukipt DTD
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2010, 21:44:46 PM »
dont mind the call pre but the best play would probably be to re raise all in pre to try and isolate and take the race

fold the flop - far too spewy to call


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Re: tough decision in the ukipt DTD
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2010, 21:51:28 PM »

fold the flop - far too spewy to call


dont mind the call pre but the best play would probably be to re raise all in pre to try and isolate and take the race

...... but don"t you think shoving 100+ BBs preflop is a potentially spewy too?  


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Re: tough decision in the ukipt DTD
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2010, 22:48:05 PM »
i was never shoving 140 bbs pre with AK sooted..
And the hell did you know it was crazy ally.......

He is by far the most crazy player i have ever come across. he cracked aces 3 times when he over shoved pre with small pairs. he has a massive string of cashes on the hendon mob database. Wonder how many sick beats he has given people??

Anyway, i can tell you now that i folded the flush draw. Crazy ally shows the 8-3 off suit for openened straight draw, and marc goodwin had shoved pre with 7-4 ss on the shortstack. The pair holds and marc tripples up. I would of won the hand with  ac on turn........

soosooooo sick.


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Re: tough decision in the ukipt DTD
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2010, 22:49:50 PM »

Or was it right to fold and carry on with trying to grind away with100bbs.

Having 100bb"s at any stage of an MTT means your"e in pretty good shape.

Easy pass,and as Rob says,there will be better spots with such a healthy stack behind.

......and i did read the outcome on UKIPT update site,so i know what happens next
« Last Edit: May 16, 2010, 22:51:46 PM by Ant1966 »
"That's when you know your'e running bad,when Ant one outers you on the river". Brendan Byrne-Dublin 2010.


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Re: tough decision in the ukipt DTD
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2010, 22:57:46 PM »
LOL. They got a few things wrong in that report, Ally deffo did "not" have Diamonds.....he had no diamonds, and i checked to him on flop intending to check raise. I did not bet into him. But anyway the outcome was pretty much the same and i had a real sick feeling when hands were turned over.


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Re: tough decision in the ukipt DTD
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2010, 23:12:13 PM »
Think I remember a pokerstars blogger coming over and mentioning the hand tbh but I think I heard about a dozen other similar things he did from others.


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Re: tough decision in the ukipt DTD
« Reply #10 on: May 17, 2010, 11:21:05 AM »
if you tell me that it is Ali Mallu then i"d do a little dance before callling.

against most players i guess i"d sigh fold
Looking forward to making my first day 2


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Re: tough decision in the ukipt DTD
« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2010, 22:13:39 PM »

Its difficult now to give an honest opinion knowing the result, so I won"t attempt to advise a hindsight educated hero call in this tough spot.

Sadly I"ve had to learn this many times, before the penny finally dropped ( insert Irish / fish joke here ) but the key to these car crash moments and what the top players do really well is, breath ( thats a Tommy Angelo gem and worth thinking about ) calm the emotions and spend the little time you have for a decision, coolly and logically piecing the available multitude of info together ( you have much more info than you think ). Often in spots like these we waste our time with thoughts like, Omg, ffs, what a ridiculously crazy bet, ffs, ffs how can he make that bet I would never etc etc etc. Use the time you have on the things that can help you make a clear rational and more likely, correct decision.

Maybe you haven"t been long at this aggressive table but if not, seems you should have some read on your opponents. Has the villain been involved in creating your impression of the table as "aggressive", what about the SB 3 bettor is he a rock or a maniac or some point in between, has he 3 bet liberally, this is a super spot to squeeze, a move seen frequently at aggressive tables.

As an option, 4 betting preflop is in no way dependent on your style but, is absolutely totally dependent on whether its the most +EV option based on oppo"s tendancies, stack sizes and gameflow.

« Last Edit: May 26, 2010, 00:06:08 AM by TheSnapper »
"Being wrong is erroneously associated with failure, when, in fact, to be proven wrong should be celebrated, for it elevates someone to a new level of understanding."