Just a heads up to everyone. Yesterday Betfair sent emails out to everyone that is registered in the events in Nottingham. Check you emails to be sure you"ve got one.
Didn"t get mine and I"m in 2 events....these emails tend to go out in batches so don"t anyone panic if you don"t get one immediately.
Your FIRST port of call is the
PLAYER LISTS. If you are on there, you are fine...if not..because you just bought your seat or have completed a transfer on the Seat Exchange, then please give APAT a chance to bring the lists up to date.
Remember, the APAT back-office team is a couple of people who have other things to do in the real world like...you know, jobs and families.
Whatever you do, don"t PM me about it...I"m not involved in that side...I just post a lot and keep things tidy around here. Sort of like a glorified janitor.