I dont see a problem in what order they are played.... But...
As I said in the previous set of satellites, the scheduling is stupid, to play more than 1 game at a time, and it happened again last night.. There was a Satt for the Scottish live event (Which I won, did I mention) and at the same time, there was a satt to the online Scottish event coming up this weekend...
It does not need to be like that. Why cant the online satts be on a differnet day than any other game..

How many blank days have we had between the last online game and that one yesterday?
Also I think them satts are too expensive... why a $20 satt into a $50 game... should be $5 or $10 at most.
Also, if I win that game this weekend, there is an added seat to a pro event in Scotland.. Why? By the time that game is finished on Saturday, all the satts and the click fest would have finished and we will probably have all seats taken for the amatuer game. Myself and a lot of the players who play the amateur league are nearly half way through a league that we would like to win that particular league. Why would I want to miss the amateur league game to take a seat in the pro league game..?