I have had better weekends, but that was purely down to feeling a little under the weather.
The company, from UK and Europe alike was terrific. Yes we bent more towards our own regs, they are friends after all so who wouldn"t support their friends? The German speaking Austrians were very friendly and accomodating towards us.
The card room and staff were very much to my liking, as were the tourney structures, dealers etc. The experience and learning curve of playing against players with a very different culture and playing styles was for me invaluable and perhaps something i will be able to draw from in the future.
Winning a package, although not completely covering all costs,was for me a big plus towards going to Vienna or not. This was my first tournament abroad and i liked it. I liked it a lot, and i would endevour to make more in the future. Obviously like most other people that will depend on money and work allowance. I think the move into Europe is a good thing, i am not speaking from a personal point of view. If i never make another foreign poker trip will not change the fact that this is a good thing, and i will always have my memories of this recent weekend away with all the uk players and APAT staff all mixing with the local players and staff, the Atmosphere genuinely was one of very high and friendly spirit. I can"t say it"s the same as a uk APAT event, but all my Apat weekends away have all been different, even the two in Dublin, same card room, same abode and same pub(Larry Murphy"s) were very different from one another.?? as the two in Edinburgh have differed from each other.
So i think to summarize as stated, as long as the UK events are not affected, ie reduced or have less sponsorship because the same pot has to be divided equally among more venues, then all is well.
Streaming has been reorted to me by friends and family as a wonderful and enjoyable tool. I too on return home have looked for a history which was less than normal, due to less input on the thread. There too was a little void that i could not watch some of the interviews, which i have been told were fun and amusing. Speaking to Tighty and Leigh they have and are continually making adjustments on the fly as the season rolls on to accomodate everyones wishes but within the constraints of the budget and manpower available.
Perhaps more Apater"s who find themselves on the rail could offer there own services to help, thereby freeing the resources for a better quality in whatever it is you would like to see improved.
Anyway my head hurts............

Great idea for a cruise Brian, imagine the atmosphere yes a captive audience right to the very end.
Cheers hope to see you soon, wherever it may be.