Just to clairify how these satellites will be paid out, as we don"t half make it complicated for Betfair at times, but they have been really good at meeting our demands so far.

These satellites will qualify you for a Day 1b seat. If you have already bought in direct for either a Day 1a or Day 1b seat, then you will be able to unregister and get your buyin back.
If you have not yet got a seat and wish to change it from a Day 1b to a Day 1a, then you will need to contact Betfair and they will sort that for you.
If you have already satellited in for the main event, then please don"t be greedy. 
At the moment, both days have a reasonable capacity remaining, this process may need to be reviewed as we get closer to selling out.
And just to clarify, Betfair are guaranteeing 2 seats every week. As long as the demand is there, we will keep running the satellites.
It"s down to the players to play. I"ll get the message out there, but you guys need to ensure the demand for these to allow them to continue.
And regarding the choice of Sundays, yes it does clash with the League games every other week. Carl is quite right that not all players like to multitable, but we are always trying to balance it out. The last thing we want is for members to feel that they need to be online playing APAT events every night of the week, so a Sunday is normally quite a popular day for players anyway.