Cheers Aaron.
Talking of stepping away from the table - when I played in the EPT in Copenhagen, you couldn"t smoke at the table, but you could behind the rope that the spectators were stood behind. This was about 2 yards from where I was sat (so very annoying).
Anyway, the fella who sat to my right on Day 2 (called Simon Mycock) was some sort of chain smoker. He would play a hand, and then get up step behind the rope light up, have a fag and then come back to the table. He usually missed a few hands whilst he was away (but that didn"t seem to bother him). It seemed as though his cigarettes were more important to him than being in every hand.
Shame he wasn"t away from the table for the hand when he knocked me out!
There was a similar player playing the WSOP Razz event, from my point of view the advantage there was that they had to leave the building. But he didn"t half miss an awful lot of hands, "It seemed as though his cigarettes were more important to him than being in every hand." was very much the case.
At least I wasn"t bad enough to let him knock me out of the tournament