Just to end this matter from the Omaha.
The guy has been in touch apologised, apology accepted, end of, moved on
Thanks for all the pms
Most probably dont know what happened with the abuse that Dunc got, and some have me down for the villain.
I have explained to Duncan in a private message about something that occured that night for me. I had played the PLO for a few levels, did well, got chips, and then got a call from a friend whose car had a problem, so I shot out to help him, knowing I had plenty of chips. A couple of friends were here, told them not to go near my laptop, but, those idiots, Saturday night, drinking, ignored me and thought it would be fun to play on my behalf. When I got back, they had managed to donk the lot, with Duncan doing the final kill. My friend admitted that he gave someone abuse but not who or to what level. Those friends have had a bollocking from me and will not ever be left in my house unattended again.
I found out the details and immediately apologise to Duncan (copy to Leigh) for the bullsh*t.. Thanks Duncan for accepting apologies...