Well.....what a superb event this turned out to be !
We kicked off just after 4pm with 23 runners including Proffessional player Paul "ActionJack" Jackson and his Son Ben and that generated a prizepool in excess of £1000 with the top 5 places getting paid.
Both Paul and Ben were seated on Table 1 and Paul agreed to deal despite having only returned from Vegas 24 hours earlier and his dealing saw us lose our first player when Tod Wood, having limped and got 6 callers, shoved all-in after Brian Yates raised it to 700 on the Button. Tod shoved his final 2725 and Brian said "Have you limped wth a monster ?" and called. Tod had limped with a monster that was kc kd and Brian had js jh but the jd on the flop and jc on the turn saw Tod taking the card round as first player out.
1. AJAY CHOHAN 17450
2. MATT WRIGHT 17425
Brian was also responsible for the next exit and once again he made a call when behind. Paul Foy was down to just 3k when he shoved on the button. Brian made the call in the blinds with kh qd but Paul had the lead with his ac js but Nathan Harris decided to take on the "Mystic Meg" roll by announcing "Queen", just before the qc flopped to send a seething Mr Foy to the rail.
Mystic Meg,s chips were going up and down like Jordan"s knickers but he made a big error on an ac :


flop by shoiving on Andy Kingan, whose ad :

: was well ahead of Nathan"s ah :

Will Young was the first player not on table 1 to be eliminated as Steve Freer knocked him out. Will went on to be taken to the cleaners in a cash game, then on the way home got pulled for speeding AND not wearing a seat belt !! approx £260 out of pocket and 3 points on the licence......you run bad Sir !!
A surprisingly subjued and close-cropped Steve "Scouse" Bayliff was out in 19th, the first victim of Pub-gaffer Ajay Chohan and Steve Freer followed in 18th, but celebrated his Birthday by fleecing the rest in the wild cash games that followed.
2. MATT WRIGHT 25750
3. ROB HEWLITT 23100
4. ANDY DUNCAN 21475
5. ANDY KINGAN 19400
Down to 2 tables and Andy Overton, suitable attired in his poker player "uniform" of hoody, shades and menacing look, got his chips in with

against Alan Waters

with Matt Wright announcing that "I passed an 8".....unfortunately for Andy, he hadn"t passed TWO eights and the

saw Andy out 17th.
Steve Redfern, in superb recent form that has seen him move to No.1 in the All-Time BCPC rankings, got his chips in good with ac kh against Harry Ward"s ad js on a 3-diamond turn but a 4th diamond on the river gave Harry the nuts and Steve was out in a disappointing 16th.
Debjani Duncan"s tourney ended when she shoved td th into Ajay"s qc qh and Alan Waters went in 14th.
13TH player to exit was Stuart Slater when he ran ad tc into Matt Wright"s

and that left us with 12 players at the end of level 6.
1. HARRY WARD 36050
3. MATT WRIGHT 23550
4. MARC WARD 23000
5. BEN JACKSON 21400
6. ANDY DUNCAN 18550
7. ANDY KINGAN 17000
8. ROB HEWLITT 16700
9. BRIAN YATES 12800
10. ANT WILLIAMS 11400
12. AJAY CHOHAN 9900
There then followed a period of more than 2 hours where no player went out but when Marc Ward (wearing the "Shirt Of Shame" ) got it all in with ad qc against Father Harry with :as:

he was delighted until Harry flopped a pair with qh ts

and then the

on the turn sealed the deal.
Harry was in a good position after seeing off Malcolm Howell in 11th place but Ajay Chohan had moved from last to first and that left the chipstacks looking like this after level 8
1. AJAY CHOHAN 55400
3. HARRY WARD 34550
4. BEN JACKSON 24500
5. MATT WRIGHT 23550
7. BRIAN YATES 12900
8. ANDY DUNCAN 12200
9. ANDY KINGAN 11000
10. ROB HEWLITT 10400
The average was 23000 and there was a definite "top and bottom" feel to the counts and with the Final Table awaiting, the short-stacks had to make a move.
The defining hand of the night wasn"t long in coming. Brian Yates shoved his 14k in with ac :

: but then saw Ben Jackson call. Rob Hewlitt then also shoved and with Ben having the other 2 covered, showed qh qs only for Rob to turn over ah :as: . Rob was a 70% favourite pre-flop and that became 85% on the jc

flop. But despite being just 2% to win the hand, dealer Debjani Duncan sent out a miracle :

: turn and

to send Brian to the Final Table with a healthy 45000 stack and Rob to the rail.
Casualties soon followed and in 3 hands we lost Andy Duncan ad

to Andy Kingan qd qh and then Ant Williams

to Paul Jackson kh ks .
7-handed now and Andy Kingan raised UTG to 3000 and Brian called him in the SB. The flop came :


and Andy check-raised all-in with kd kh only to be dismayed as Brian turned over :as: ac and after earlier passing Q-Q face-up, Andy was out in 7th.
Now on the money bubble and Paul Jackson was lookin a hot favourite to win until he lost a monster pot to the inexperience of Ajay, who bet on every street with no pair against Paul"s 9-9, only to river a flush and cripple him.....Ajay cripples "A-J" would be the headline I guess and soon afterwards he was out to Son Ben"s qd qc .
On the very next hand Harry Ward exited with £92 in 5th place as Matt Wright found

ad against Harry"s js jh but Matt then lost a big pot and eventually exited in 4th after playing a fine game, collecting £138.
3 handed and Brian raises the button but a re-raise from Ajay and an all-in from Ben saw Brian pass :as:

. Ajay"s ah ks was well ahead of Ben"s ac js and Ben was out with £168.
Heads-up and the stacks were pretty even with both having around 60 BB"s but the final hnd saw a board of jd

and Brian checked. Ajay bet and was called. The turn brought the

and Brian bet 5000, only for Ajay to raise to 15000. Brian re-raises to 45000 and Ajay calls. the turn of ks saw Brian shove and Ajay called with js

which was no match for Brian"s

td and 2 hands later it was all over, Ajay delighted to collect £260 with Brian winning the event for a £500 payday.
A special Thank-You to Paul and Ben Jackson who I hope enjoyed the event as much as we enjoyed having them there and we would hope to see them both again in the future. Paul....you are a credit to the game and some of the Pro"s out there could learn a lot about attitude from you.