An example of Sky Poker tour play....
I button raise with jh ts and BB, a 70-ish local lady calls.
flop is :

: :


she checks, I c-bet, she calls. hmmmmmm.......
turn comes

she checks, I bet again......she calls again.
river is kd she checks and looks sooooooo nervous. I bet over half her stack......what could she call with unless its a big diamond ?
Well, after the classic comment "I have to call to see what you have", she calls and I insta-muck.....and she shows.........

!!!!!! what the f.......what WAS she thinking

She then preceeded to do me twice more before I built back up and then thought for AGES when I shoved my last 2775 on a 9-high flop with J-J......then said "Go on.....I call........IF YOU ARE BEATING QUEENS YOU ARE AHEAD !!!!!"
300 mile round trip for 90 mins poker and £32 for a room to keep my bag in for 3 hours as I left at 5pm for home.
I assure you this is NOT an unusual scenario on the sky tour.