Well, what a few days this has been.
Latest news is that today they have taken him off his blood pressure medication, which is massive news, and his kidneys have gone back to functioning fully, so he is making solid progress.
They think the Pneumonia is clearing as they arent sucking gunk out of his chest anymore. They did a scan 2 days ago (i think, the days are merging together at the minute!!) but they are awaiting the previous scans from before he was admitted from the other local hospital where he is getting his cancer treatment from and apparetnyl there is no news on that yet, so in the meantime they are going to continue to presume that he has/had a bloodclot on his lung and treat him accordingly
There is no news as to when they plan to bring him out of his coma, but i can assure you that as a family this will be better than every birthday, christmas, easter and anything else put together.
Thankyou all for your continued support and thoughts and prayers you have been a constant source of strength for us all.