Author Topic: Thoughts on this!!  (Read 5655 times)

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Thoughts on this!!
« on: September 10, 2010, 09:19:03 AM »
Was playing at Gala casino teeside last night in a £20 triple chance sat to the £500 + 50 main event, british coral masters tour thats held this weekend, first event this evening! (200 + 20). Came across a hand that wiped 3/4 of my stack! What do you think..!

Blinds 200/400

Im sat in the BB (Never look until its me to act)

All folds round to the Button, of which raises to 1750.
Small Blind folds.

I look down at  ah kd

After some thought, i flat call the 1750 (my first mistake i think)

2 Players to a flop

9c 8d  7h

I Check, Dealer position follows with the check.

Turn  7c

I bet just under the pot, around 3k, after around 2 mins, he asks me how much im playing, which was just covering his stack, and flat calls the 3k on the turn.

River  ac

I Check after some thought (maybe another mistake), He takes about 3/4 mins, and leads out with 4 k! I call and show my Ace king, and loose.
Whats he playing?

Talked it through after the tournement with some freinds, trying to work out where the bad play was, if any, came to some conclusions, but wondered what other people thought of it all!



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Re: Thoughts on this!!
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2010, 09:26:37 AM »
Given that you lost, I think he had a hand better than Aces up :)   probably something like A9, A8, or A7

When he opened the button for 1750, what did you think of his 4.5xBB opener? Flatting here is just horrible - reraise or fold, but never flat, and looking at the stack sizes, you could probably justify shoving pre.  If you reraise and he folds, he has just spewed a whole load of chips with an unnecessarily large opener.... and if calls with A9, happy days for your AK (at the time)


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Re: Thoughts on this!!
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2010, 10:41:39 AM »
Need stack sizes, info on villain and your image at the time.  Flatting pre seems like a pretty awful option tho - AK is tough oop vs an aggro villain.
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Re: Thoughts on this!!
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2010, 11:01:43 AM »
we both started the hand with around 15k, i maybe had 1.5k more than him! I felt like i was playing well, started with 2k, and was up to 15k within an hour, at the break!

Villain played position well, liked to limp into a pot with good position, and 8 times out of 10, raised with a legitimate hand! Seemed like he understood the game well.

I new limping was the wrong decision, but here was my thinking!

If i re raise to something like 4k and he flat calls, what do i think he has? i dont think hes calling nearly a 3rd of his stack with AK/AQ (very unlikley), but i think hes shoving with JJ QQ KK if i re pop him, then i dont think i can call becuase i know hes risking his tournement life with a premium hand, not with AK/AQ, and thats where i need to go with my inititive and put him on a hand, i would be quite happy if he flipped JJ QQ at a push! I think he had the ability to pass something like AK/AQ, and in that case, i play the right move! However if he shoves, ive lost 4k, when in hindsight i can flat call to see if i can improve my AK! If i shove, i only know hes calling with a premium pair, and if i be honest, i didnt want to shove to run into KK or AA and risk my tourney life with AK!

It was up to my discretion at the end of the day, and i didnt know what the right move was, and i think my initial action was the wrong one, which caused me to loose the pot!


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Re: Thoughts on this!!
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2010, 11:32:58 AM »
For a button raise, the 4x raise sort of screams "Please don"t call" to me.

I"d put him on 77 - JJ and I"d guess he flopped a set and boated/quaded the turn. The "2 minute think" on the turn feels like a hollywood.

However, the 3-4 minute think on the river confuses me...did he put you on AA?  ;D
« Last Edit: September 10, 2010, 11:35:13 AM by Paulie_D »
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Re: Thoughts on this!!
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2010, 12:00:29 PM »

Was playing at Gala casino teeside last night in a £20 triple chance sat to the £500 + 50 main event, british coral masters tour thats held this weekend, first event this evening! (200 + 20). Came across a hand that wiped 3/4 of my stack! What do you think..!

Was this the freeroll? I played upto the first break and busted, as my table was completely mental chucking chips all over the place :(

Phil did not like this :(
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Re: Thoughts on this!!
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2010, 12:03:49 PM »
Dnt 3b fold from the button against a button 4x raise.  I prob make it 4550 to leave some illusion of fold equity and leave us an spr of 1.1.  Makes all our decisions a lot easier.  It sucks flatting and c/f"n 60%+ of flops.
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Re: Thoughts on this!!
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2010, 12:06:56 PM »
yeh it was phil, i rebought straight away, started with 6k, and added on!

To let you know:

Villain flipped  kc qc



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Re: Thoughts on this!!
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2010, 12:09:37 PM »
Apart from his ridiculous over-sized open, I really like how he played the hand.

Edit:  As long as he plays it the same on blank rivers.
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Re: Thoughts on this!!
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2010, 12:16:17 PM »

yeh it was phil, i rebought straight away, started with 6k, and added on!

Wish I"d known you were there would of got you a beer to ease the pain ;D

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Re: Thoughts on this!!
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2010, 20:46:48 PM »
also info on blind structure would help also - if its a slow structure then its not bad to fold the river, but if its a 20/30 min shove fest after the 3rd or 4th level then im open jamming and putting his tourney life at stake, he could easily be raising with any 2 and if he has a high pair (or hopefully AQ)  im taking the race

with you on approx 15k, its deep ish but not massively and if you raise to 5k then you only have a pot size bet left on the flop so its fit or fold a

as played i reckon (until you said what he had) i put him on either a flopped set or Jc10c


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Re: Thoughts on this!!
« Reply #11 on: September 10, 2010, 22:14:32 PM »
i dont mind the flat call pre , from what u describe i would say he seems pretty straight forward , however u say nothing about his post-flop play , how aggressive is he , does he cbet 100% of his range or just made hands , how does he play his draws etc etc...
On the flop either bet out or check is fine imo given reads , the turn bet is a little to big imho 1/2 pot would win you the pot just as much.. Check folding or check calling a turn bet by villain are ok imho given he maybe betting draws or air...
When villain checked flop do u think he does that with over pairs? if not discount.. Would villain bet out with sets on this texture, if u think he does then discount , likewise made hands like top pair,2nd pair or 2 pair would seem unlikely to check behind , all on how u have seen him play previously..
So when he hums and ahhhs the turn bet and calls , he was uninterested in the flop until the turn card but he only calls?
What fits TJ , AT if he is passive with his draws post flop , 66 would fit and flush draw hands or A7 A8 fit the check behind on the flop..
The river he bets slightly less than 1/2 pot and your not beating a lot , u have no read to suggest he bluffs air or turns missed draws into bluffs , so fold 1 pair hands and move on imo..


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Re: Thoughts on this!!
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2010, 17:06:41 PM »
am i the only person who thought him calling on the turn screamed flush draw?

hate the flat pre too, folded to button, button raises, Stu re raises.

a number of things can happen at that point,

1 - he folds

2 -  he calls, i shove flop (dependent on stacks)

3 - he shoves, i call.

I am terrible i know, but that is generally what i would do.
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Re: Thoughts on this!!
« Reply #13 on: September 15, 2010, 21:13:30 PM »
perhaps i stink - but i am never flatting AK oop here.

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