george, I know what you mean, but I really wasn"t congratulating myself - I think these calls are a leak for me.
Not sure how unlucky the villain is though. He was only winning if he hit a K or a 10 or bet me off it. How would the debate on this hand have gone if it had been posted from his PoV?
some fundamentals for 5th street that i loosely follow

1 You can only make money on the river by getting better hands to fold or worse ones to call..
2 Only value bet the river if you believe a worse hand will call..
3 If bluffing the river then only do it if you believe a better hand will fold..
4 Sometimes it is better to check if you believe it will induce a bluff or worse hands to bet..
5 Be careful of betting if you are going to be unsure of what to do if re-raised..
6 Try to apply a bit of logic and reasoning when/if faced with a tricky river decision, be it should i bet or should i call, re-raise or fold...
These fundamentals apply to heads up, when in multi-way pots then a tad more caution is needed as now we need to beat 2 or more hands..
Pretty sure if i have missed something or a fellow APATer has a different take then please add to thread...
Ok David to get you thinking i"ll add some more thoughts to the above points..
Points 1,2 and 3 are pretty much connected to your hand/situation, what does villain check call flop, check turn then bet the river putting you to the decision for the rest of chips with when you have checked the turn showing weakness?
Does it look like he wants a call or a fold? Ok sometimes at a $5 buy in you get some plonker who can turn some sort of showdownable hand into a bluff, but i tend to see them check call or bet fold [not applicable here

Why no check to possibly induce? What the hell is he trying to rep that he hopes you call? if he had a flush draw on the flop given the stack sizes, why did he not check raise? same applies to an overpair and sets? if he has a deuce or a seven why has he bet so much given your action on the turn that he hopes you call? why did he check the turn?
What does you leaving roughly 10bb behind after cbetting the flop and checking the turn look like to him?
This is best as i can in writing explain how i"d be breaking down this hand as it played out, hence i replied call to your post, putting villain on point 3...
thats my thoughts on it anyhoooos...