Extracted from a Trip Report/ Blog entry from November 2009.
Sidebar: My friend Jim Lynott, whom some of you might know had been considering a roadtrip between Los Angeles and Las Vegas for some time. The route would be a little circuitous to take in some of the lesser known gambling spots along the way. We were joined, once again, by my brother Pete, Laughlin: 11th November 2009"Cruising The Strip"OK, Wednesday and it's time to take in the sights. I grab the breakfast buffet and while I'm eating I text Jim to arrange something. Turns out he's eating in Harrah's cafe around the corner and when I finish grazing, I wander over.
Haven't heard from Pete but I text him...no reply. I guess he's sleeping one off.
Harrahs Laughlin - Rear ViewJim and I wander down to the rear of Harrah's which is on the river. It seems there is a river taxi which plies up and down between the various casinos on the Nevada side. Only $4 for a single journey or $16 for an all-day pass. Think of it as the floating Deuce.
We board after getting our day-pass wristbands and ride all the way down to Don Laughlin's Riverside Casino. It's a new way of...ahem...cruising the Strip.
Alighting at the Riverside we make our way inside for a mooch around. We find the poker room...not bad, about the same size as Harrah's effort but a darn sight busier. It seems they have a very active promotional/marketing campaign including Red Aces cracked for $500 at certain times of the day, Daily freerolls with easy qualifying etc.
Jim and I make the appropriate mental notes before wandering back through the casino. As we do, we spot a sign offering the scooter trikes for rent. Jim and I are sorely tempted to start the Laughlin Grand Prix there and then but before we can succumb common sense reels us back in.
We continue on our way through the various casinos by using the river-walk which is rather well named as you can walk by the...erm...river.
We visit the Aquarius, Regency, the Edgewater and the Colorado Belle...the latter is styled as an old paddle steamer.
As we're approaching the entrance, Jim's focus starts to wander. He spotted the koi swimming in the pool in which the Belle purportedly floats. I can see a faraway look in his eye..he's not thinking about the video poker slots any more..he's wondering where he can find rod and reel.
I drag him away before the angler in him makes him do something that might get him 86'd and we make our way inside. My first port of call is, as you might expect..the poker room.
Hey! Hands up all those who said it would be the bar...I'm taking names you know!
OK...well it almost was the bar...seems they have a micro-brewery on site...I file that little tidbit away for future reference.
However, by now my feet are killing me and they've rounded up additional support in the shape of my knees. They're screaming like Babe at Hog-Butchering Time.
I've had enough and although I suspect Jim'd prefer to continue on, we make our way back to the river taxi landing and catch the boat back to Harrah's. I need a lie down. I'm middle aged, overweight and on vacation...I'll take an afternoon nap if I want one...so there.
I rest up for a while just pottering around in the room before lying down and wake up a couple of hours later feeling a little light headed. I force myself, perhaps stupidly, to get up, get cleaned up and I'm thinking of playing the 7pm tournament downstairs. Thank the stars, just as I'm putting the finishing touches to my ensemble, I get a text suggesting we eat.
What a bloody good idea. I make my way downstairs and meet Jim and we partake of the buffet. I'm still not feeling right although the food helps but afterwards, I just wander around the casino floor for an hour or so, dropping the odd dollar or fifty in a slot machine before calling it a night.
I know, I know, you're wondering if there is EVER going to be some poker in this story. Rest assured, I've already set Thursday aside for a full blown poker montage.
As it stands, I'm down $50 on poker (if my sums are right) and, I think, just about even on slot play. If I'm slightly down there I'm sure the comp points will more than make up for it.