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Re: The Perils of Paulie - An Irregular Blog
« Reply #15 on: September 29, 2010, 14:49:42 PM »

Calling all the way with bottom pair on a four flushed board hoping to make trips!

Calling with a medium pair on a board of all overcards waiting for their two outer! Etc., Etc.

Great reading -- was I there without knowing it  ::)


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Re: The Perils of Paulie - An Irregular Blog
« Reply #16 on: September 29, 2010, 15:03:50 PM »
« Last Edit: November 27, 2010, 09:20:59 AM by Paulie_D »
“Thor has Mjolnir but I have a banhammer. I think I win”


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Re: The Perils of Paulie - An Irregular Blog
« Reply #17 on: September 29, 2010, 15:19:44 PM »
Extracted from a Trip Report/ Blog entry from June 2009.

Sidebar: During this trip I"d been planning on playing many tournaments and dipping my toe into playing Craps. This proved to be a costly mistake which left me with a much depleted bankroll for the rest of the trip. For that reason, I started playing Low Limit Poker. It introduced me to something which I had pretty much disdained in the past but has proved quite profitable since.

Las Vegas: June 16th 2009

"Blue Moon and The Drinking Bear"

I cab over to the Excalibur and on my way to the Poker Room, I head into Dick"s Last Resort to grab some food and a few beers before playing. I find a new beer to me..."Blue Moon" which is a very tasty Belgian-style witbier brewed by the Molson Coors Brewing Company in Golden, Colorado).

This is where I make a mistake. It turns out that when I left my room to head over to the Excalibur, I left my Poker Head on the dresser and wore my Drinky Head instead.

I have the taste on.....this is not good.

Anyway, some time later (while still pretty much compos mentis) I wander over to the Poker Room and invest $20 in their 7pm Limit O8 tournament. You start with 20BB and the levels are only 15 minutes. I pretty much double up in the first hand when my uncounterfeitable low becomes the wheel on the river.

Wish I could say I pwned it but it wasn't to be. Not only was I sucking back the brewskis but I did make some questionable hand selections.

I'm wondering if there could have been a connection.....Nah!

Two friends (Jim & Jason) also on the trip with me turn up just as I donk out and we go play some slot machines while prop betting on bonus features.

While at the bar we meet a honeymooning couple who just got married in Vegas and we chat to them for a fair while....and the beer kept flowing.

My friend Jim goes off to the Poker Room to start reaping the benefits of the .50/$1 e-table while Jason and I chinwag at the bar.....and the beer kept flowing.

We rail Jim for a while but I start nodding off so Jase and I decide to go for a wander while I wake up a bit.

Unfortunately, the wander takes me past a craps table....a quiet craps table.

Sidebar: Quiet Craps tables are "cold" because no-one is winning. If you want the action, find a loud craps table. It cost me a fair amount of this trip"s bankroll to find this out.

In short order I drop the $200 earlier poker profit.....FECK!

One day I will learn.

Jason on the other hand makes two bets and wins $120...Swine!

That's pretty much me done for the night. It's 2 am and Jim's had enough so I bid them goodnight and cab back to the IP.

Las Vegas: June 17th 2009

A few hours later I wake up and the drinking bear has visited me in the night. You know the one I mean.

He comes into your room, clubs you over the head, takes all your money, spreads your clothes all over the floor and craps in your mouth...that one.

Now I know why my brother Pete sleeps all day when he's in's not the alcohol, it"s that bloody bear.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2010, 15:22:11 PM by Paulie_D »
“Thor has Mjolnir but I have a banhammer. I think I win”


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Re: The Perils of Paulie - An Irregular Blog
« Reply #18 on: September 30, 2010, 10:31:40 AM »
Extracted from a Trip Report/ Blog entry from January 2008.

Sidebar: A trip to Vegas with my brother Pete. We"re staying at the Stratosphere. I"d been delayed due to flight connections...Pete arrived early and had been playing blackjack for many hours. He likes Corona.

Las Vegas: January 12th 2008

"Pick a card...any card"

After I crashed out last night and finally nodded off to phone rings....

Blearily, I mumble, "Allo?", mentally adding "You git"

As suspected, it"s the sibling spannered out of his skull..."Erm, whash the rhume nummer, mate?"

I dutifully reel off the room number and wait for him to pour through the door...I few minutes later, I hear him trying his room key card in the lock...nope, doesn"t work the first, second or third time.

With a sigh, I heave my aging carcase out of bed to let him in...the problem is clear...he"s using the casino loyalty card instead of the room key card.

Naturally, none of this is remembered the next morning...
“Thor has Mjolnir but I have a banhammer. I think I win”


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Re: The Perils of Paulie - An Irregular Blog
« Reply #19 on: October 01, 2010, 10:38:37 AM »
Extracted from a Trip Report/ Blog entry from January 2008.

Sidebar: A trip to Vegas with my brother Pete. He still likes Corona.

Las Vegas: January 14th 2008

"Hello Pit"

Anyway...I"m up with larks (well, bleary eyed larks that is) after a 3.30 am Pete!

Another all-nighter I guess, hope he"s doing well. That"s the thing about"s not about the winning or long he"s having a good time..he don"t care.

So, I potter around for a couple of hours until I get a text from my friends Jim and Terry who are also along on the trip..."IHOP, now!"

Sidebar: The food options at the Stratosphere are...adequate...fortunately, within 50 yards there are other options, IHOP and Denny"s being the best.

So we find Pete on our way out...yep, he"s still at the blackjack table...but he postpones food for now, so the three of us head off for some scran.

We"ll have the Big Breakfast Combo....3 bacon, 3 sausage, 3 gammon pieces and 4 eggs...$8.99....Mmmmm, IHOP!

Halfway through, the drunken bum dearest brother wanders in. Honestly, there are only few things funnier than watching a functioning drunk eat. Stabbing at a piece of bacon and missing because he can"t focus, cleaning his plate and then trying to eat the I said, a few things funnier...but not many.

After a while, Jim & Terry are done and head off. In an unusual act of familial compassion, I decide to wait for Pete and make sure he gets back. Some time later I pay and I lead the sot back to our room

One of the funnier watching a stuffed drunk trying to undress himself....

OK, a quick aside here, it"s not that I like watching a grown man get undressed, honest guv"nor, but someone has to in case he falls over and hurts, they charge extra for cleaning up blood &/or vomit

...anyway, Pete finally manages to fight himself free of his jeans...mumbles something about "Hello,"s good to be back" and decants himself into bed. 4.7 nanoseconds later the snoring commences.

Good Times.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2010, 10:40:12 AM by Paulie_D »
“Thor has Mjolnir but I have a banhammer. I think I win”


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Re: The Perils of Paulie - An Irregular Blog
« Reply #20 on: October 11, 2010, 20:29:26 PM »
For no reason whatsoever, I turned right instead of left on the way home....funny how the car seems to know when my alcochol level has dropped.

Like a muppet, I was busily tip-tapping away on the old netbook...with one hand...the other being full of a beer glass..and missed the satellite for Coventry. Suppose it doesn"t matter, I never win one of those, I nearly always manage to overplay a big pair and get felted by a flopped set.

Straight buy-in on Thursday I think.

Oh, well, hotel is sorted for Spain..get the flights done tomorrow.

Oh, feck...just realised, I"m in Vegas for the Spain buy-in date...hmm, can"t get Betfair there I suspect.

This might take some finageling..or some gentle persuasion. Whatever works.

“Thor has Mjolnir but I have a banhammer. I think I win”


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« Reply #21 on: October 26, 2010, 13:05:32 PM »
Luton: 22nd October 2010

I managed to persuade the boss to let me out an hour early on Friday afternoon in the hopes of beating the usual congestion on the M25. After checking with all the online traffic sites that I could, I decided to, at least in part, take the scenic route from leafy Essex to the Bedfordshire garden spot known at Luton.

Jumping off the M25 about halfway I came up through the back-roads via Wheathamsted [isn"t that a great name?] arriving at the Days Hotel around 5.45 if I recall correctly. Easy parking next door and no trouble checking in.

After all the kerfuffle that had gone on with rooms being "flooded" or whatever it was a relief to be assured of a relatively decent place to lay my head. Not surprisingly, as I walked into reception, I"m greeted by the sight of the usual APAT rowdies in"t bar...where else?

After a quick wash and brush-up, I was downstairs necking my first, second and third beers of the day.

Around 7.30 or so, I wandered over to the G to meet up with the Luton crowd who had put on a private game and kindly let me play (they must have seen the value there) while the others headed off to downtown Luton for the usual frivolities.

The game got under way after a slight change in plan. It would be dealer-dealt (thank you very much) but a 7500 F/O rather than a 3000 D/C. Fair dos...all good there.

My first two hands were monsters (AK & KK I starts to get hazy for reasons that will become obvious) and pre-flop raises and c-bets won me a few chips early on.

This was not to last. Forty-five minutes in and I once again get KK in MP and 3-bet an EP raiser who flatted. A queen high board saw us get it all in on the flop and he rolls over the (by now) obvious AA. No suck-out for me and I"m toast. C"est le poker as they say at the Aviation Club.

Well...what to do with the rest of the evening? I think you know the answer to that question...come on, you can work it out.

That"s right...I went back to the hotel. OK, I"m kidding, I wandered off to find the usual reprobates at the White House, the Wetherspoons in the centre of Luton where they had, apparently, gathered.

I walk up to the entrance and there"s a security guard standing there who make a gesture towards me...I have no idea what he wants but I assume it"s a dress code check or summat..happens..if they turn me away, I can live with it. Nope, he just wants to stamp the back of my hand the the old UV ink....God that takes me back more years than I care to remember and probably more than most APATers have been around.

Anyway, apparently they don"t care what I"m wearing (heh) and I find the others slinging them back by the bucketful. Soon I"m necking them back too. However, it"s not long before Tighty announces that we"re off to the Chicago Rock Cafe...whatever the hell that is...but we dutifully make our way there.

At least it"s closer to the hotel than the Westerspoons but, then again, it"s uphill. Never a good thing.

From then on, it"s something of a vague, blurry series of images in the back of my brain. X-Factor contests, blue drinks, orange drinks in jugs, drinks in bottles etc. etc. You get the picture.

At some point, I realised my feet were bl**dy killing me from standing around all night (no dancing, Praise Be) and I decide to take a pew.


Next thing I know, I"m pretty sure I"ve dozed off and Ger Jr is leaning over me asking if I"m alright. I probably mumbled something incoherent but assuring.

Regardless, I was apparently suitably compos mentis to decide that it was time to call it a morning and started the weary climb up the rest of the hill to the Days Hotel. At this point, the burning plates of meat at the end of my legs decided to remind me of their existence. Every frakkin" step is agony. Take it from me...never get old and fat!

I stop at several points along the enormity of the distance I had to cover (it must have been at least half a mile) to give my barking dogs a rest and during one of these I make my final tactical error of the night.

Yep...a kebab!

I carry it back to my hotel and finally make it into my room and consume this delicious morsel before throwing myself into the joys of slumber.

Well, I say throw but, to be truthful, it was more like "place carefully" as the single bed I was occupying was on wheels and the slightest movement would have it careening around the room. It was like kipping on a skateboard.

Ah well, I live and never learn. Saturday would be another day.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2010, 13:07:03 PM by Paulie_D »
“Thor has Mjolnir but I have a banhammer. I think I win”


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Re: The Perils of Paulie - An Irregular Blog
« Reply #22 on: October 26, 2010, 20:36:55 PM »
Brilliant post!!!  :D


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Re: The Perils of Paulie - An Irregular Blog
« Reply #23 on: October 26, 2010, 21:33:49 PM »
To be fair, those beds were unreal!!!  I unwittingly launched mine across the room at one point too.


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Re: The Perils of Paulie - An Irregular Blog
« Reply #24 on: November 01, 2010, 14:30:57 PM »
That time of year arrived over the weekend...yep, Service & MOT on the black beast that is my loverly Audi A4.

So, down to Kwik-Fit...they"ve done me right in the past.

Because the engine is over 2L it"s a higher cost than your "regular" service so because it uses "specialist oils" or something. Whatever, she passed with flying colours except for an "advisory".

What was that, oh, just that all 4 tyres were on the verge of getting me pulled over. Sigh.OK, I kinda thought that might need a couple but all 4?...Sheesh.

I steeled myself and enquired of the begrimed automotive technologist..."How Much?".

He led me like a lamb to the slaughter to the office and looked up my tyres, turned the monitor round so that I could see. Lucky he had a wide-screen monitor as the number was a blistering £500.

I looked this motoring marauder squarely in the eye and said..."Noooo, I don"t think so". Now I know that I can get these online and fitted for about £80 a piece which still ain"t cheap but it"s no £125 a pop.

Without me even asking...he instantly offered 20% off.

Now look..if you"re going to offer me an instant discount of 20% then it"s clear to me that you"re gouging me somewhere and it"s the last time I"ll use you for that thing again.

TBH, if I wasn"t going away in a couple of days (Vegas...blatant brag) I"d have told him where to stuff it and got them done elsewhere. However, it was now nearly 6 pm (an hour after they close) and I was still wrung out from a bout of man-flu and wasn"t my best so I caved and decided to call it insurance for the drive to Gatwick later this week.

Next time, I"ll get them checked for free before I go and buy them elsewhere.

Nice going customer lost.

“Thor has Mjolnir but I have a banhammer. I think I win”


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Re: The Perils of Paulie - An Irregular Blog
« Reply #25 on: November 02, 2010, 22:26:33 PM »
Upminster: November 2nd 2010

"The Day Before The Day Before" next trip to Las Vegas is less than 48 hours away. In the past couple of years I"ve managed to get in 2 or 3 trips a year...but this year was different.

I"d decided at the beginning of the year to attend as many APAT events as possible and by the time February 1st 2011 rolls around, I"m pretty confident that I"ll have made all but one....Tallinn...DAMN IT, DAMN IT, DAMN IT.

All this means that, and I have no regrets whatsoever, my regular pilgrimage to the desert poker Mecca has been limited to November.

I"m joined in this excursion by my brother, Pete, who I"ve mentioned before in this blog thingy. He"s not a poker player (although he"s dabbled) but when he"s playing Blackjack there is no stopping him.

What does this mean, very little in the scheme of things...except that the Harrahs Group absolutely LOVE him.

"How much" you ask...well I"ll tell you. We"ve booked into the Flamingo in one of their "ultra-cool" GO rooms. Fair enough, they quoted me $400+ for a week. Not bad...4 nights free

When we plugged him into the equation, that dropped that to....$185....for a frakkin" week!

Compare that to a rate I got from the Orleans for 6 days...and all I have there is that I"m a card holder...$280.

There"s a reason he"s my favourite brother...of course he"s my only brother...but still.

Whatever, tomorrow  I have my last day in work before heading off to Gatwick. Overnight in the Holiday Inn with 2 weeks parking for the cost of a taxi....Job Done.

“Thor has Mjolnir but I have a banhammer. I think I win”


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Re: The Perils of Paulie - An Irregular Blog
« Reply #26 on: November 04, 2010, 07:50:37 AM »
Upminster: November 3rd 2010

"The Day Before"

Sleep, Work, Pub, Work...OK, it"s not all going to be that interesting.

After work it"s an hours schlep to Gatwick in the car. No real problems with the drive, slightly held up at the Dartford Bridge due to congestion.

Sidebar: The Dartford Toll...isn"t toll any more, it"s a "Congestion Charge"...but here"s the sneaky thing...what causes the congestion....the collection gates. It"s a bloody gold mine I tell you!

Whatever, I roll into the Holiday Inn at Gatwick around 6.45. I"ve stayed here before and they"re pretty efficient at the old check-in. I belong to their loyalty scheme so they"ve pre-checked me in, assigned the room, validated the card etc. etc.

I can add the shuttle tickets to my room bill (great, no extra £1 coins to find), I get a discount on breakfast for buying it early and they"ll look after the car while I"m away.

Quick scrub round the back of the ears and I"m in the bar for 7.15. Becks on tap, Club sandwich and I"m good.

Flying tomorrow....well today now.
“Thor has Mjolnir but I have a banhammer. I think I win”


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Re: The Perils of Paulie - An Irregular Blog
« Reply #27 on: November 04, 2010, 08:36:47 AM »
GL Paulie - keep us posted (good and bad  ::) specially bad)


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Re: The Perils of Paulie - An Irregular Blog
« Reply #28 on: November 04, 2010, 09:48:48 AM »
Gatwick: November 4th 2010

"Cause I"m Leaving, On A Jet Plane"

Safely esconsed in The Flying Horse, the Wetherspoons in Gatwick"s South Terminal, working on the first pint of the day and mooching off the free wi-fi from McDonalds next door...sweetah.

Odd how beer is 50p more expensive here than in a regular Wetherspoons...first bad beat...50p..geddit, geddit?

Aaaaand, their "Large Breakfast" is £7.95 compared to the regular £3.99. Hmmm...captive market much?

Whatever, checked in nice and quick, luggage just 2.5 kilos under the weight limit...can"t do too much shopping then.

Pete, the brother, is already there and checked into the Flaming_O (also known as the Pink Chicken)

Take off at 11.20....landing at 3.15 local (11.15pm on Paulie Time)...should be time for a nap before heading off to the Mirage to meet some people from AllVegasPoker for some Mixed Game madness.

« Last Edit: April 18, 2011, 16:19:38 PM by Paulie_D »
“Thor has Mjolnir but I have a banhammer. I think I win”


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Re: The Perils of Paulie - An Irregular Blog
« Reply #29 on: November 04, 2010, 12:26:04 PM »

GL Paulie - keep us posted (good and bad  ::) specially bad)


Have a fantastic trip, looking forward to hearing the full details :)
Winner of 1 gold, 2 silver & 1 bronze medals.
Proud member of team England '11 & '12 (Home Internationals) & team APAT  '11

Now pretty much poker retired, but available to help feed / sub the APAT server hamsters now & again.