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Re: The Perils of Paulie - An Irregular Blog
« Reply #495 on: November 14, 2013, 08:22:07 AM »
Las Vegas 12th November 2013

So Much For That

I was left to my own devices today I decided to head back over to the Venetian for another shot at the 4/8 Omaha tables.

If you’ve read any of my stuff in the past you will know that my luck here has been patchy at best. Today was no exception.

Although I had eked out a profit yesterday, I was quite wary about playing in this game and stuck to premium starting hands. It help that there was a serial donator at the table and I managed to get a good $80 up in a fairly short space of time.

Unfortunately, we were joined from the “must move” table by someone who had obviously not fared quite so well. On tilit he was determined to juice pretty much every pot and with that much money on the table, pre-flop, it was hard to stay out of a hand.

It wasn’t unusual to see $80 pots pre-flop with this idiot and when you get those have two choices, play or get the F out.

I chose the former which was the riskier option and things did not go my way. I had to keep getting into the pot for perceived value but the serial donator from before seemed to be the main beneficiary.

Never saw her play a hand she should have been in with but seemed to always get there on the end.

I eventually called it quits while only down $60 (yesterdays profit) but easily down $100 from my previous high earlier.

I had to run an errand for my brother Pete who gets in on Thursday (apparently he doesn’t follow the Travel Guru’s advice about sorting out a sim card before you go) but that only took a couple of minutes.

I strolled back to Harrahs...the lads were nowhere to be seen...apparently they were tearing up the Aria or other establishments at the southern end of the strip.

The sun was just going down and I got a pretty amazing shot of the sky with the Mirage in the foreground.

I dabbled a bit on the Pai Gow tables but broke even but, not having eaten all day I decided to grab some food at KGB Burger in Harrahs.

A Buffalo Chicken Burger and a couple of Blue Moons (with orange,sorry Ger) and I was ready for bed.
I don’t know what it is but there is something in the air that seems to be making me very tired over the last couple of days.

I guess it could be advanced age creeping up on me but I don’t seem to be able to do the late nights I used to do.

Las Vegas - 13th November 2013

Almost Wasted

I had a pretty bad last night and I think it may have been related to the burger I had last evening. It came with blue cheese and although I’m not a fan of the crumbly comestible I ate it anyway.

However, a disturbed night and the way I was feeling may have been in indicator that not all was well. Apparently, I found out later, a couple of the other lads weren’t very happy with the food from there so it may or may not have been an issue.

I’m prepared to say no more than that. My diet is significantly different in Vegas than it is at home so there may have been other factors.

Whatever, I was in no mood to leave the room today.   I felt empty and bloated at the same time and had firmly set my mind on having a ‘duvet day’....but I hadn’t managed to complete my errand for my brother.

All I had to do was wander over to the Forum Shops, basically across the road, to check something out and also to scout the location of Carmine’s, the possible venue of our ‘last night’ meal and I eventually guilted myself into leaving about 3pm.

Just getting out of the room and the short walk seemed to re-invigorate me and I felt a lot better for the excursion.

My appetite seemed to come back and I realised that it had been a good 24 hours since I had eaten but Cafe in Harrahs was closed so steak and eggs was out. I was passing the Mirage anyway so I stopped in to BLT Burger.

A decent burger and a beer (would I like a glass for $5 or a pitcher for $19...what do you think baby?) and I was feeling much happier with the world.

I hoofed it back to Harrah’s and played a little on the craps machine…(hmm, I wonder if the APAT censor will let that through)....the lads were, for some god forsaken reason over at the Rio ostensibly because of the WSOP..which is over.

I guess that they were looking at a pretty big empty room...I don’t see the attraction myself.

Whatever, I sat down at a Pai Gow table that seemed friendly enough and many JD and Cokes later I was graced with presence of Ger and Stu in full on ‘slur’ mode. Fortunately, they seemed to have retained the capacity for self-preservation and stumbled off to their respective rooms...I hope.

I carried on for a while before cashing out $100 up at Pai Gow...winner! The JD has certainly had a beneficial effect.

It seems that there is an NFL game on tomorrow which may scupper the meal at Carmines. Oh well, I’m sure we’ll work something out.

I can only suggest things...and no plan survives the battle.
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Re: The Perils of Paulie - An Irregular Blog
« Reply #496 on: November 17, 2013, 00:29:06 AM »
Las Vegas - 14th November 2013

The Best Laid Plans

I'd booked a table at Carmine's for six people at 7.30pm for Thursday night but from the comments I'd received it looked like that would be a non-starter due to the NFL game that afternoon / I fuss, these things happen.

So, I wandered over to the Venetian and indulged in my usual pastime of losing money playing 4/8 Omaha...pretty much the same pattern as yesterday. I'd start off great guns and then some muppet would decide to play higher.

I just don't get it...they have 8/16 tables, go sit in one of those games instead of fudging up this one. I was sitting next to the same serial donator from yesterday just waiting for a spot and, wouldn't you know it...because she cannot fold a hand, she'd get there runner runner with little or no idea what she had.

Me, I'm folding like a Chinese Laundry and her mucky starting hands would be raking in the chips like a croupier at a roulette's disheartening, it really is.

Anyway, I blew a hundy there before walking away to lick my wounds at the Venetian's Sports Book while waiting for the lads to show up for the game.

I'd seen them on my way out of Harrahs about 11.30 (yes, a really early day for me) and they were already drinking...things did not improve from there.

By the time they arrived at the V, they were several sheets to the wind although they could, just, navigate as they had actually managed to find their way to the Sports Book.

Bets were placed and we watched the first half of the game but eventually Stu's need for food outweighed his desire to keep watching and, after a brief debate, Rodders suggested Toby Keith's back at Harrahs.

This idea was readily received and Ger, Stu and Rodders headed off like rats leaving a sinking ship leaving your humble footsore reporter linping and puffing away to follow at my best speed..which is not very fast.

I eventually found my way into Toby Keith's and we were seated within a few minutes with a nice view of the game on a giant screen. Dead handy that.

We drank some more, ate well although I think we over-ordered a little and the Colts won, made the spread and over. Bets were won and Ger very generously covered the meal for us over protestations from one and all.

He's a top bloke that Ger fellow.

The food had pretty much finished off Stu and we sent him off to bed with hugs and kind of have to really although no-one volunteered to tuck him in.

Three card poker ensued and thanks to a handy and timely bonus bet on my part I managed to break even.

However, I too was feeling the effects and called it a night and managed to avoid the Paii Gow tables on the way back to my room.

The majority of the contingent are headed back home tomorrow and Curlarge is off for a short trip to Salt Lake City before coming back on Monday I think.

I get a day pretty much to myself.

Las Vegas - 15th November 2013

The Sound of Silence

A lull has settled over Las Vegas at the lads head home today and I have the place to myself...well, me and several hundred thousand other visitors.

I really couldn't drum up any enthusiasm to go back to the V for more bloodletting from the regulars at the Omaha tables.

I had a huge plate of Ham & Eggs at Harrahs Cafe and afterwards I pottered around the Quad and Harrahs not doing anything in particular.

I spent some time in Harrahs Sports Book for no specific reason whatsoever, just somewhere to sit down in a comfortable chair, have a drink or several and chat to the bloke next to me about a  sport I know very little about.

Actually, it made for a decent afternoon and evening.

Moving day tomorrow
“Thor has Mjolnir but I have a banhammer. I think I win”


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Re: The Perils of Paulie - An Irregular Blog
« Reply #497 on: November 17, 2013, 06:55:05 AM »
« Last Edit: November 17, 2013, 17:05:32 PM by Paulie_D »
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Re: The Perils of Paulie - An Irregular Blog
« Reply #498 on: November 17, 2013, 07:11:13 AM »
Every time I do a solo trip from now I intend to stay at the Orleans.

Just gotta persuade Joobs to try there was much, much better than Harrahs.


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Re: The Perils of Paulie - An Irregular Blog
« Reply #499 on: November 17, 2013, 16:17:55 PM »
It is much better than Harrah"s, it is just in the wrong place. PAI GOW though.

Anyway, top read Paulie, pleasure as always mate, good luck in crushing the PLO8 in the next week.

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: The Perils of Paulie - An Irregular Blog
« Reply #500 on: November 17, 2013, 17:13:29 PM »

It is much better than Harrah"s, it is just in the wrong place.

I assume you mean "not on the Strip". This is true, of course, but a cab to the Strip was $20 including tip and because of construction we had to go a slightly longer way.

How much was a cab to the Aria or the MGM?...split, say, 3 ways I think the couple of extra dollars is worth it and anyway the Orleans has a free shuttle to centre-Strip if I wanted.

I think most APAT players would find the cash games and tourneys here pretty soft.

I suspect, however, that staying Downtown would have priority over off-strip for most APATers who only tend to spend a week in Vegas.

I"m fortunate, I suppose, (or at least willing to forego other breaks) to spend an extra week here. After all, I spend a shipload of cash getting here and I want as long as I can get.
“Thor has Mjolnir but I have a banhammer. I think I win”


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Re: The Perils of Paulie - An Irregular Blog
« Reply #501 on: November 17, 2013, 19:22:14 PM »
Debjani and I love Orleans - have stayed there a couple of times although we always hire a car so location is not an issue for us. Even when we don"t stay there we"re never out of the place.
GL Paulie.
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Re: The Perils of Paulie - An Irregular Blog
« Reply #502 on: November 20, 2013, 00:18:55 AM »
Never been. Apparently the limits of my adventures were as far as the venetian sports book, Rio, and somewhere else that i played the Paigowwwww. Was that the Orleans? I dont remember much of that day??

If you get a chance, go say hi to chris (the best barman in Vegas) at the orleans. The man looked after us excessively well in our trips there for the NFL :D
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Re: The Perils of Paulie - An Irregular Blog
« Reply #503 on: November 20, 2013, 01:02:31 AM »

Never been. Apparently the limits of my adventures were as far as the venetian sports book, Rio, and somewhere else that i played the Paigowwwww. Was that the Orleans? I dont remember much of that day??

If you get a chance, go say hi to chris (the best barman in Vegas) at the orleans Venetian . The man looked after us excessively well in our trips there for the NFL :D



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Re: The Perils of Paulie - An Irregular Blog
« Reply #504 on: November 20, 2013, 06:37:36 AM »
Las Vegas - 17th November 2013

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

Aah bliss..some alone time.

As is my usual wont in Vegas, I left the room about noon and headed straight down to the Poker Room and got seated with only a short wait.

I sat in for about 4 hours before hunger pangs drove me from the table with a small profit of $40 but at least I'm not losing any money here like I had been doing at the Venetian.

I grabbed some food at TGI Fridays while watching the Saturday NFL game before calling it a night.

Not a lot to report as I'm taking it pretty easy from now these reports are unlikely to contain any shenanigans.

Las Vegas - 18th November 2013

More Tambourine.

I got a pretty late start today and headed downstairs around 1pm. I wasn't in the mood for poker today so I went upstairs to the movie theatre to see Ender's Game.

That filled a few hours and on coming out I ate in TGI's before making my way onto the casino area for some $5 Pai Gow.

That killed a few hours until I got a call from Curlarge suggesting meeting up at Ri Ra at the Manadalay Bar to see John Windsor.

I cashed out for a $10 loss (well covered by booze value) and cabbed over to the MB and met Curly and SusiePea just as they came in the lobby.

We found the place eventually and sat down at a high table with a good view. I ordered a Stella and then a Heineken..neither of them tasted right.

Perhaps I'm used to colder, lighter beer after the last 10 days but there was definitely something I switched to JD and Coke.

We sat through John's sets and Curly did us proud by doing a great accompaniment on the tambourine.

John finished up around 12.30 and I wished Curly and Susie a good night before hobbling off to catch a cab back to the Orleans. I don't know what it is but sitting on those high stools always leaves me a cripple as soon as I stand up.

Anyway, I was back at the Orleans by 1am...a late night for me. I'll be getting a good night's kip for sure.
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Re: The Perils of Paulie - An Irregular Blog
« Reply #505 on: November 20, 2013, 22:30:04 PM »

I wasn't in the mood for poker today so I went upstairs to the movie theatre to see Ender's Game.

Went to see that a few weeks ago by mistake, Lilly had got the dates wrong for Gravity"s release.. anywho. It made me want to harm every single person involved in making the film whilst simultaneously gauging my eyes out with a spoon. I hope the Vegas air softened the blow somewhat for you. Horrible, horrible film.

Hope you"re having a ball over there though Paulie. Give Curly and Susiepea a hug from me. OH and more photos of food as well please. Or semi naked women. Or semi naked women serving food x
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Re: The Perils of Paulie - An Irregular Blog
« Reply #506 on: November 21, 2013, 15:16:39 PM »
Las Vegas - 19th November 2013

Slow Day

No surprises here, another late start before heading down to the poker room for a few hours.

Not a lot of action today, the room was pretty quiet what with it being midweek and and all.

I cashed our a minimum win of $20 around 5pm before grabbing a burger and a couple of beers at TGI's

I keep meaning to hit the Cajun place or the Oriental place in the Orleans but something keeps dragging back to TGI's

I'm sure I'll manage both of them at some point.

Regardless, I wasn't in there very long, just enough time for a few beers and something to eat before heading out to the Pai Gow tables.

I spent a few hours at the tables treading water for no profit...although getting beer value, naturally.

Eventually, a had a run of really bad hands and somehow manged to push a couple so, with only a $10 loss, I called it a night.
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Re: The Perils of Paulie - An Irregular Blog
« Reply #507 on: November 21, 2013, 15:18:57 PM »
Las Vegas - 20th November 2013

Crashing Back Down To Earth

I should have known better than to keep playing.

I went straight into the poker room and was seated with little delay. The main table (they usually run two with the second being a must move) was a twitter with a young fellow (well younger than the majority of the rest of the table) having run $200 up to over $600 with some wild play.

Now the typical Orleans player is not fond of a pre-flop raise and this guy was raising blind, capping the betting pref-flop and the worst sin of all...straddling.

It was driving them crazy because he was winning hand after could hear them muttering "bad for the game", "ruining the table" etc..but none of them were leaving.

They all wanted a crack at him to get their money back.

Anyway, over on my table things weren't much better, one guy was deep in the hole and was splashing about and driving the action.

The price of poker kept going up and in the space of an hour I was down over $100.


I reloaded, reluctantly, in the hope that my previous form would re-emerge but it wasn't to be.

By 4pm, I'd had enough and cashed out down $180.

You know, I haven't been keeping an exact count but I think I was breakeven on all gambling over the past 2 weeks until today and this ruined my record. Still I have a couple of days left to recoup.

Time for some food and I strolled past TGI's and went onto Big Al"s Oyster Bar for some N'Orleans cookin'.

A big bowl of gumbo really filled the spot...and I do mean filled it. I remember trying the dinner portion of their gumbo a couple of years back and couldn't finish it.

Fortunately, the lunchtime size was just right; really hot (temperature-wise) and good and spicy too.

After that it was back to the Pai Gow table for some $5 splashing about but after a couple of hours I was still even (which I suppose is a plus)...and headed upstairs to the movie theatre to see Gravity.(in 3D).

Great film in my opinion and the 3D was really well done...I just wish I could have seen it in IMAX too...that would have been awesome.

After that I called it a night.

Phil, I'm working on the photos you requested but they kind of frown on taking pictures in here. Still, I do know a couple of serving wenches who might be disposed to let me...snap them.
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Re: The Perils of Paulie - An Irregular Blog
« Reply #508 on: November 22, 2013, 07:40:34 AM »
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Re: The Perils of Paulie - An Irregular Blog
« Reply #509 on: November 22, 2013, 07:44:40 AM »
Oh...and Phil,

I asked but Nellie said "No" to a photo. Something about it "ending up on the internet".

Of course, you know the answer....get yourself over here next year.
“Thor has Mjolnir but I have a banhammer. I think I win”