A Very Vegas Vacation - Day 9 - December 25th 2012
Not As Good As My Mum"s Cooking ThoughI had left out milk and cookies ( OK, Redbull and Doritos ) for Santa but somehow he hadn"t managed to find me in fabulous Las Vegas as there were no presents for me except for some idiot"s alarm clock going off next door.
Or perhaps, just perhaps, I was on the "naughty" list.
Naturally I fell into a slough of despond and refused to leave the room until noon...oh wait, that"s normal for me here isn"t it?
I got a text from Ger asking what the plan was (he"s a forgetful old duffer sometimes) so I texted back the details once again but also made my way downstairs to find him playing (much as expected 3 card poker).
I collected Ger and Don and we jumped into a taxi and drove over to the Crown and Anchor on E.Tropicana.
I have to say that the decor is a little too Britishy. It"s as though it"s an American"s idea of what a British Pub is supposed to look like, this despite the fact that it"s owned by two British guys.
I suppose they are aiming at the college crowd which is their main stock in trade rather than the unlikely Brit who wanders 15 minutes from the strip being desperate for a pint of Bass.

More to our liking were the buxom miniskirted (tartan miniskirt...I suppose that"s British...sort of) young ladies serving us.
Unfortunately, I wasn"t able to go into stalker mode and get a picture for you. Don was the only British beer drinker with a pint of Newcastle, while Ger had Coors Light and I continued my love affair with Belgian Whites with something called Pyramid.
We"d arrived early (time for pre-lunch drinks) but after an hour we took our seats in the main seating area ready for our Chritsmas. Very nice it was too. Plenty of it with loverly gravy and stuffing followed by Christmas Pudding with Brandy Custard.
Crackers with party hats and bad jokes...all the trimmings really
Of course, by 3pm, the usual post-Xmas-lunch stupor had set in and we were sitting there stuffed to the gills on the verge of falling asleep.
Paying the bill we ordered a cab which took us back to Harrahs. Naturally, Ger was immediately on the 3 card poker table while Don and I retired to our respective rooms for a nap.
I came down a few hours later and played some Pai Gow with Ger and surprise guest Lee Mulligan but my heart wasn"t really in it and after only a couple of hours I left him to it. Apparently, we were joined by Don (I blame the alcohol for a fuzzy memory) who napped a little too long as he still had is alarm clock to AM instead of PM...rookie mistake.
Hope yours was as fun as ours.